2014年4月23日 星期三

After Around Twenty Years...

This afternoon, I took my mom to Cheng Hsin[g] General Hospital to consult the doctor about her knee problems. Though scheduled to have a knee operation tomorrow at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, my mom has been reluctant about it.

To make sure if my mom can do without surgery on her knees and to seek for medical advice on strengthening her knees, I finally decided to take her to see Dr. Tsuei (崔祐荃醫師), who I taught more than 20 years ago at Chieh Shou Junior High School. We've not seen each other for around 20 years. When I stepped into the outpatient room, I called his name. As before, he looked calm, but I knew he was surprised. At that moment, my memory took me back to the days when I taught his class English. Yo-chuan was smart and worked hard. He was big and moved like a bear. Along with his classmates, he often came to my office and had a chat with me.

After around twenty years, Yo-chuan is now an orthopedic doctor, specializing in bones. Based on my observation, besides being professional, he is patient, caring, and kind. He is generous with his time, which I believe is a very important quality of a good doctor. After we already took up a lot of his time, he still spent a few minutes teaching my mom three simple exercises to strengthen her knees.

Before leaving, I reminded him to remember to drink water and take good care of himself. A teacher is always concerned about his/her students, no matter how old they are.


