2014年4月12日 星期六

A Special Campus--New Taipei Municipal Jhanghe Junior High School

This morning I went to Jhanghe Junior High School in Chungho to judge a speech contest. Heading for the contest room, I was attracted by what was displayed along the hallway--the flags of countries around the world. A good way to raise students' awareness of the global village!

The contest was held in the school's special English classroom. It is decorated to create an English environment. Everything there is in English.

After the contest, on my way out of the school, I saw on the bulletin board the photos of the school's faculty and administrators. A rare scene on school campuses. I believe these photos could remind the teachers and the administrators of the responsiblity they shoulder and strengthen the bond between them and the students.

What surprised and amazed me most today was the upright piano in the hall! Anyone can play on it! That's incredible! Asked about the "safety" of the piano, the academic affairs dean said so far no one had ever damaged it either intentionally or accidentally. That's quite something!

A lovely campus indeed.

