2014年4月29日 星期二

ICRT--"當年學生K英文 必聽ICRT"--from UDN


當年學生K英文 必聽ICRT

2014.04.29 03:29 am


My comments: Some of my students also benefited a lot from it. And before the online resources were available, I often recorded the news from ICRT and had students listen to it. A student with a good command of English said she listened to and learned a lot from the DJs. A

pplying "shadowing" while listening, you'll improve speaking skills in leaps and bounds.




My comments: Really?! I didn't know it.


My comments: Still, when I was driving alone, I always tune my radio to ICRT.


My comments: Now we have Eric Gau, good at both Chinese and English. I think the main reason is the advent and convenience of other resources. For example, high school teachers would ask students to listen to Studio Classroom or Ivy League because students can listen to the MP3 or watch the Internet program anytime during the day while ICRT news or chats are fleeting.  Once you fail to catch the 3pm news, you miss it. However, in my opinion, for Taiwan news, ICRT is still the best.

全文網址: 當年學生K英文 必聽ICRT | 廣電頻道 | 娛樂追星 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT7/8642581.shtml#ixzz30FiTaBli
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