2014年4月30日 星期三

Mom and Her Children

(Me with my mom and my sister on a trip to Yangmingshan on Monday)

"Your mom looks great!--having good children really helps..."

2014年4月29日 星期二

ICRT--"當年學生K英文 必聽ICRT"--from UDN


當年學生K英文 必聽ICRT

2014.04.29 03:29 am


2014年4月28日 星期一

Oral English Activities--a Website

When I taught English, I put much emphasis on speaking. Yesterday I came across this FB post by a dear friend Sarah Yin (殷彩鳳老師).


Oral English Activities

2014年4月27日 星期日

"School in the cloud: Children with mentors on the other side of the world"--from BBC


School in the cloud: Children with mentors on the other side of the world

By Alison Gee

BBC World Service

25 April 2014 Last updated at 00:04

Five years ago, an Indian schoolboy struck up an unlikely friendship with a retired teacher in London - and with her help he is now studying to be a doctor. Even though they live thousands of miles apart and have never met, they can't imagine life without each other.

My comments: This reminds me of the story "Information Please." Genuine care and love between strangers.

2014年4月25日 星期五

Taiwan Students' English Writing Ability--數理好、英文寫作差 教育怎因應?


數理好、英文寫作差 教育怎因應?

2014.04.25 03:16 am


2014年4月24日 星期四

Aesop's Fables at Two Websites

At this website, readers can find 82 stories in Aesop's Fables. By reading only one each day, as suggested, you can finish the stoires in less than 3 months.


2014年4月23日 星期三

After Around Twenty Years...

This afternoon, I took my mom to Cheng Hsin[g] General Hospital to consult the doctor about her knee problems. Though scheduled to have a knee operation tomorrow at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, my mom has been reluctant about it.

2014年4月22日 星期二

No Venture, No Gain

Today George and I took my mom-in-law to China Medical University Hospital in Yunlin for an evaluation by Dr. Lin Hsin-jung (林欣榮醫師) to see if she could undergo a medical experiment intended to enable stroke patients to move their stroke-impaired limbs on their own. It took us about four hours to drive to the hospital. Since my mom-in-law got a stroke around ten years ago and the old MRI images on the CD from the hospital she received treatment then didn't show sufficient information Dr. Lin needed, my mom-in-law has to go back to the hospital for an MRI scan in mid-May.

2014年4月20日 星期日

"Entrepreneurs reveal their failures en route to success"--from BBC

In a sense, the stones that these entrepreneurs tripped on were the stepping stones to success. You can find the entrepreneurs' photos on the webpage.


Entrepreneurs reveal their failures en route to success

By Tony Bonsignore Business reporter, BBC News

20 April 2014 Last updated at 00:13

Millions of people dream of starting their own company, but only some are brave enough to take the leap.

Fewer still go on to great success.

2014年4月18日 星期五

2014年4月17日 星期四

"South Korea ferry: Messages from a sinking ship"--from BBC

Remember to say "I love you" often.


South Korea ferry: Messages from a sinking ship

17 April 2014 Last updated at 10:53

As a South Korean ferry came to a shuddering halt and rapidly began to sink, some of those on board sent harrowing text messages to their loved ones.

My comments: Click the link above, and you can see a message from a student on board to his mother.

2014年4月16日 星期三

2014年4月15日 星期二

"Blood moon: Sky gazers mesmerized as red hue lights up night sky"--from CNN

You must click the link and watch the video! It's a rare scene.


Blood moon: Sky gazers mesmerized as red hue lights up night sky
By Faith Karimi and Paul Vercammen, CNN

April 15, 2014 -- Updated 1325 GMT (2125 HKT) | Filed under: Innovations

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Sky gazers caught a glimpse of the "blood moon" crossing the Earth's shadow Tuesday in all its splendor.

"Travelers' choice: World's top 25 destinations"--from CNN

I love traveling. So this kind of lists always appeal to me.

Click the link and you can see the photos of 20 cities among the 25.


Travelers' choice: World's top 25 destinations
By Marnie Hunter, CNN

April 8, 2014 -- Updated 0410 GMT (1210 HKT)

(CNN) -- You blinked and a quarter of the year flew by. It's time to plan a vacation.

2014年4月14日 星期一

What Is the Story Behind the Picture?

This was the picture the contestants based their story on at last Saturday's New Taipei Junior High School English Speech Contest. I posted it here with the permission from the host school.

2014年4月13日 星期日

16 Tips on Being Happy--"16種快樂方法 有科學根據" from UDN

This article is followed by its original English version from The Huffington Post.


16種快樂方法 有科學根據

2014.04.13 05:03 pm

做哪些事情可以讓快樂指數提升?《赫芬頓郵報》(The Huffington Post)整理出16種經科學驗證,並能讓你更快樂的小訣竅

This two-dimensional happiness matrix efficiently shows different ways to happiness.

2014年4月12日 星期六

A Special Campus--New Taipei Municipal Jhanghe Junior High School

This morning I went to Jhanghe Junior High School in Chungho to judge a speech contest. Heading for the contest room, I was attracted by what was displayed along the hallway--the flags of countries around the world. A good way to raise students' awareness of the global village!

2014年4月11日 星期五

A Three-Minute Video That Might Make You Cry

Believe in Good....

This is a video posted on FB by my sister-in-law who lives in Canada. Watching it, I was moved to tears, especially when the little girl shows up in school uniform, indicating she is receiving education, which she could have only dreamed about.

2014年4月10日 星期四

Penghu--a Serene Getaway

The day before yesterday, I posted the photo on my FB page and asked my FB friends where I was. Seeing the basalt rock formations, they all knew it's Penghu except one.

2014年4月9日 星期三

Penghu-Day 3

Yesterday, we visited several famous scenic spots: the basalt rock formations, the beach, the whale hole, etc.

The hostess of our bed & breakfast said she can just leave her car key in the car after parking it without worrying it would be stolen. Impressive!

2014年4月8日 星期二


I'm in Penghu. Yesterday we arrived by plane. It took about 50 minutes. My first time to this lovely place.

The air is fresh. No pollution. No traffic jam. The buildings are simple, with very few highrises. People are friendly. Famous for its seafood.

There is only one MacDonald's. Only one senior high school and one vocational school.

A nice place to relax!


2014年4月6日 星期日

"High school student goes 8 for 8 in Ivy League college admissions"--from CNN


High school student goes 8 for 8 in Ivy League college admissions
By Lauren Morton and Lorenzo Ferrigno, CNN

April 2, 2014 -- Updated 1735 GMT (0135 HKT)

New York (CNN) -- A New York high school student has made it to the Elite Eight in a different sort of March Madness.

Kwasi Enin of Shirley has been accepted by the eight Ivy League schools -- Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Princeton and Cornell -- and then some. He will have his choice as the decision deadline of May 1 approaches.

2014年4月5日 星期六

Worksheets for Gungor's "A Tale of Two Brains" and the Key to the First

To help students learn from Mark Gungor's talk "A Tale of Two Brains," I made three worksheets on the morning of this past Tuesday. One is to fill in the blanks while or after listening, another is to re-arrange the jumbled sentences based on the talk, and the other to categorize statements into M (Men) or W(Women). Basically, they are the same thing in different formats.

2014年4月4日 星期五

"The Conditioned"--A Touching Story

A true story of how a homeless man in Brazil not only returned to his family but fulfilled his dream of having his poems published because of the kindly intervention of a woman. Lovely!

To read the English subtitles in part of the film, you'd better watch it full-screen.

From 19 on BCT to 830 on TOEIC--"基測英文19分 多益考830分留學去"


基測英文19分 多益考830分留學去



2014年4月3日 星期四

Persist in What You Love--"郭兆林:有興趣的事,就要一直追下去"--from UDN



2014.04.03 03:29 am


2014年4月2日 星期三

Class 120

Class 120 is a quiet class. They accept whatever is given to them, if not willingly, then without complaint. Take tests for example. Before the 1st mid-term, they were given quite a few review quizzes, but I didn't hear them whine or see any frown.

2014年4月1日 星期二

Seven-a-day fruit and veg 'saves lives'--from BBC


Seven-a-day fruit and veg 'saves lives'

By Pippa Stephens

Health reporter, BBC News

1 April 2014 Last updated at 06:58

Talk Given at Taipei University of Technology


This afternoon, my dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) LINEd me the link to my part of the talk we gave at Taipei University of Technology on Sunday, March. 23 on Teaching English Listening Skills.