2012年8月29日 星期三

A Letter from an Entrepreneur to His Son--王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀: 要累積人緣,不要算計人脈


王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀

要累積人緣,不要算計人脈 2012/8/1

  • 父親節特別企畫》 戴勝益、徐重仁、柯文哲、薛明玲 撰文 / 林讓均

  • 出處 / 今周刊815期


2012年8月27日 星期一

On Dictionaries--你不可不知的字典知識 ──專訪台灣英語教學界字典達人奚永慧老師

The new school year will start this week.  Students who want to improve their English might be considering buying an English-English dictionary.  The following article from Caves English Teaching provdes some tips.

你不可不知的字典知識 ──專訪台灣英語教學界字典達人奚永慧老師

◎ 採訪整理/羅千純

2012年8月25日 星期六

2012年8月24日 星期五

2012 UEE Good Chinese and English Writing Samples

The CEEC has posted this year's UEE good Chinese and English writing samples on its website. Click the link, and you can read the 15 Chinese essays and the 13 English ones.


2012年8月21日 星期二

Extensive Reading Helps Score High on TOEIC--大量閱讀 攀上多益滿分高峰


大量閱讀 攀上多益滿分高峰

多益情報誌2012/05/27          沒喝過洋墨水,也並非ABC 從沒離開過臺灣的本土碩士也能拿下多益測驗990 分滿分的好成績?!         
【多益情報誌/文/Chloe  Hsieh】

2012年8月20日 星期一

Writing a Touching Essay in 300 Words, plus A Life-Changing Sentence

Yesterday my former student Ken invited me to read an essay by him published in the Liberty Times.


This is what he put on the FB: 人生首度登上副刊,雖然只有短短三百字,但真是感人又值得記念的一刻。

2012年8月15日 星期三

How Young Are You?--"Keep Young Mind Forever"

erday, while cleaning out my stuff in the office, I came across Dandelion, in which I found the following interesting article.  The article offers a checklist for us to check how young we are.

Keep Young Mind Forever

Dandelion October 2010 No. 13

2012年8月14日 星期二

"Feed Me, Mom"--a Video Taken on Campus

Yesterday morning, while looking up and talking to a former student, I spotted an interesting sight outside the office window.

A big bird was sitting motionless on the branch.   At first, never seeing such a big bird in the trees on campus, I thought it was a "specifically designed" bee hive.  With a closer look, I couldn't believe my eyes.  It's a bird!  I took several pictures and when enlarging one of them, I found there was one, no, there were two baby birds under her wings.  My colleagues, students, and I then watched this family with wide-open eyes. 

2012年8月12日 星期日

Thirty-day Challenges--a Short Talk at TED

Matt Cutts proposed an interesting project in his 3:27 TED talk.  The 30-day sustainable challenge we set for ourselves might make our lives more enjoyable and fulfilled.

Who is Matt Cutts?  "Matt Cutts is an engineer at Google, where he fights linkspam and helps webmasters understand how search works." (TED)

2012年8月10日 星期五

2012年8月7日 星期二

"Jeremy Lin sees no disadvantage in being Asian" from the Taipei Times


Jeremy Lin sees no disadvantage in being Asian

UNDERESTIMATED: Lin said people take Asians lightly until they show their skills and said young players should work hard, believe in themselves and have fun
By Shelley Shan  /  Staff reporter

2012年8月6日 星期一

To Sharpen Your English Ability

Knowing he is getting into National Central University, a student mentioned on FB that he decided to sharpen his English ability during this summer vacation.  I suggested that he listen to Studio Classroom every day.  In fact, I advised him to listen to the program three times a day and repeat after the teachers.

2012年8月5日 星期日

2012年8月3日 星期五

For You, College Freshmen--"50 Tips for College Students" from Psychology Today

Next Monday, the college entrance results are coming out.  The following article from a renowned magazine Psychology Today offers 50 tips for college freshmen.  Well, you don't need to buy them all.  However, believe me, all of them are right.


50 Tips for College Students

      Learn how to have a happy and successful college career.

Published on August 23, 2010 by Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D. in Here, There, and Everywhere

2012年8月1日 星期三

Will Google's Project Glass Make Foreign Language Classes Obsolete?

This is amazing! With this invention, people don't need to spend thousands of hours learning a foreign language in order to communicate with people speaking that language.


Will Google's Project Glass Make Foreign Language Classes Obsolete?