2012年3月9日 星期五

On Upbringing--「誰見過風?」 教養如風無形

This evening while I was flipping through the old newspapers, I came across the following article. The first part of the title "Who Has Seen the Wind?" caught my eye and touched my heart. It is the title of a short poem by Christina Rossetti, a 19th-century British poet. Mr. Huang compared education to the wind. Very poetic.


觀察站/「誰見過風?」 教養如風無形
2012.02.22 02:52 am

「誰見過風?」 一代醫學人文教育大師黃崑巖這麼為「教養」下定義。


黃崑巖引用英國詩人克利斯蒂納‧羅塞蒂的詩《誰見過風?》來形容教養。「當樹葉顫動、樹低下頭時,你才會知道風正吹過。」( Who has seen the wind?Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling,The wind is passing through.Who has seen the wind?Neither you nor I:But when the trees bow down their heads,The wind is passing by.)

My comments: See http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/171952#poem



My comments: The other day I told my students that what they said and what they did are good indicators of their family education.




My comments: Human beings should be the embodiment of humanity, which is defined as "kindness, respect, and sympathy towards others." All the three qualities stem from "empathy." By putting ourselves in others' shoes, we know how to behave. How I hope all my students learn and practice empathy!

