2012年1月31日 星期二

Two Slide Shows from Time for Kids--Lunar New Year & The Road to Civil Rights

The following two slide shows are from Time for Kids. You'll be amazed at the dragon-shaped lantern displayed in the first photo. Browsing through the second slide show helps you review the American civil rights activist Martin Luther King. Make sure to read the captions.

Slide Show 1: Lunar New Year


Getting Ready for College Application--開學前備妥資料 甄選不慌


開學前備妥資料 甄選不慌

【聯合報╱記者鄭語謙/台北報導】 2012/01/31

2012年1月30日 星期一

A Letter to College Graduates--給畢業同學的一封信:代間的省思

Yesterday I had a gathering with a former student, who is a junior in college now. During our chat, she told me how she missed high school life because everyone in the class had the same goal--to go to a good college. As a college student, she is confronted with the uncertainty of life, which causes anxiety.

Then yesterday evening I came across this article. It is long, with 8941 words, but worth reading. Though the title indicates it is for college graduates, the author Mr. Chen actually intended to get his message across to more people.



撰文者:中華民國紅十字總會會長陳長文 2006-07-19 

2012年1月29日 星期日

Farewell, Losan (羅珊)

My dear friend Losan (羅珊老師), who retired from NHSH around four years ago, passed away on January 17 from cancer. Her funeral will be held at 8:30am on Thursday, Feb. 2 at Hui-en Hall of the Taipei Second Funeral Parlor (台北市立第二殯儀館懷恩廳) on Hsin-hi Road.

2012年1月26日 星期四

How to Write an Autobiography for College Application--Two Old Entries Rerun

A student in Class 301 asked me how to write an autobiography on FB last night. This morning when I woke up, it occurred to me that I might have posted some related articles in my blog. And I found two.

Now I really feel thankful for keeping this blog. 

'Flexible' Taipei charms recent college grad--a Commentary in the China Post "Eye on Taiwan"

One way to learn to write is by analyzing a well-organized essay and reproducing its outline. The following is an article I just came across while surfing the Net. Again, it's about something we are very familiar with: Taipei. Taipei in the eye of a foreigner. Try to speak out or jot down the main idea of each paragraph as I did for the first paragraph, and then "find out" how the main idea was developed into a paragraph, for which writing a detailed outline is certainly of great help. In the meantime, enjoy the content.


'Flexible' Taipei charms recent college grad

January 10, 2012 11:58 am TWN, By Vanessa Sheu

2012年1月23日 星期一

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!

One way to acquire English is by reading something we like or we are familiar with in English. Etta, a former student of mine, told me that during the summer vacation after the high school entrance exam, she read quite a few English readers of stories she already knew because his familiarity of the story would help her guess the meaning of the new words and hence read smoothly.

The following is an online essay introducing the Chinese New Year. Read it as fast as possible for the first reading, which will enhance your readng speed, and read it the second time to pick up some useful English expressions. Enjoy it!


Chinese New Year - Spring Festival

2012年1月22日 星期日

A New Year Filled with Love--新的一年 由分享愛開始

At first, I entitled this entry "Welcome a New Year with Love," but after a second thought, I changed it because though a good start is half done, we sometimes just don't persist. The new title ensures love permeates our lives all year around.

Whether you give or receive love, have a good new year!


新的一年 由分享愛開始
2012.01.22 01:33 am

For New Year's Revelers--Out and about over the Lunar New Year: Taipei Times Feature

Those who want to paint the city red during the Chinese New Year can refer to this article from the Taipei Times.


Out and about over the Lunar New Year

By David Chen / Staff Reporter Fri, Jan 20, 2012

2012年1月20日 星期五

Words from a Former Student for SAT Takers

The following are suggestions from Wayne for those who just finished their SAT on Jan. 18. Since that's also what I'd like to say, with his permission, I now post it on my blog.


Words from Wayne (張慶言) on FB--20120119:

2012年1月19日 星期四

2012 Q & A Instructions

The following are the instructions for the 2009 Q& A activity, with some modifications.

Dear 301, 303, and 311,

Q1: What is your best memory of the year 2011?

At the beginning of the new year 2012, as you look back at 2011, there must be some sparkling moments.  Please share your best memory of the year 2011.

Q2: What would you most like to do during the winter vacation? Why?

A few days ago, I saw a post on FB by a former student.    He said he began to feel bored and looked forward to the new semester.  And it was his first day of winter vacation!  Do you feel the same way?  What would you most like to do during the winter vacation?

Q3: What did you learn from taking the 2012 SAT?

Hurrah, you finally finished the SAT.  Whether you are happy that you can pass it with flying colors or sad because you didn't do well, there must be something you have learned from this experience.  Please share it.

Q4: Would you steal a drug that your loved one needs to survive?

Imagine this scenario:  You are married.  Your spouse is very sick.  Forunately, you are informed of a new drug that can save your loved one's life.  However, it costs more than you can afford.  Would you steal it?

Q5: What is your favorite English joke?

You must have heard or read quite a few English jokes.  Among them, which is your favorite?  Please share.

Q6: How would you organize a high school graduation ceremony?

What does graduation mean to you?  If you were assigned to plan and organize your school's graduation ceremony, what would it be like?

Q7: Did you ever have a bittersweet experience? Describe it.

Did you ever experience somethng about which you have a mixed feeling?  Tell us the story briefly.

Q8: What have you learned from your parent(s)?

As the old saying goes, "Like father, like son."    Parents do have a great influence on their children.  What is the most important thing you have learned from your parent(s)?

Q9: What are your top five things to do before you turn 30?

As a high school student whose first priority is to go to college, all you do every day now is study, study, and study.  Let's take a break.   Take out a piece of paper, jot down all the things you would like to do before you die.   What are the top five to do before you are 30?

Q10: What new subject would you like to add to the current high school curriculum?

Some people think some of the high school subjects are useless to students'  life.  If you were asked to suggest a new subject for high school students to learn, what would it be?  What would students do in this course?

Q11: What is your greatest fear?

Everyone is afraid of something.   Cockroaches, tests, teachers, public speaking, to name a few.  What is your greatest fear?

Q12: What is a perfect day for you?

Now, close your eyes, smile, and imagine living a perfect day, from morning till night.   What  is it like?

2012年1月18日 星期三

On 2012 SAT English--補教估 英文科頂標會降1級分


補教估 英文科頂標會降1級分


On 2012 SAT English Essay Writing--英文作文題目爆冷 「寫信勸友別沉迷電玩」


英文作文題目爆冷 「寫信勸友別沉迷電玩」


On SAT Chinese Essay Writing--學測/克服缺點的故事 你說了嗎


學測/克服缺點的故事 你說了嗎
2012.01.18 01:43 am

On 2012 SAT English Test--Breaking News--學測英文生活化 結合國片熱潮


學測英文生活化 結合國片熱潮
2012.01.18 01:15 pm

2012年1月17日 星期二

Positives to Remember from 2011--A China Post Editorial

This editorial discusses the influence of the Arab Spring on the Arab world and the Taiwanese movie industry.


There are a lot of positives to remember from 2011

Monday, January 2, 2012
The China Post news staff

2012年1月15日 星期日

Two Days Before the SAT (4)--座位有非考試用品 要扣分


座位有非考試用品 要扣分


Two Days Before the SAT (3)--英文╱留意時事詞彙 多練寫作


英文╱留意時事詞彙 多練寫作


Two Days Before the SAT (2)--國文/背名言佳句 為作文加分


國文/背名言佳句 為作文加分


Two Days Before the SAT (1)--學測倒數2天 調整作息、多看考古題


學測倒數2天 調整作息、多看考古題


2012年1月14日 星期六

On Taiwan Election

On the following webpage, besides reading a BBC news report on Taiwan election, you can watch a 2-minute-20-second video in which BBC Chinese's Raymond Li talks about the three presidential candidates and how the outcome of the election could affect Taiwan and other areas in the world. Following the BBC news story are new stories from CNN, the New York Times, and the Reuters, respectively. You might like to compare the four news reports on the same topic.

Taiwan election: What you need to know


Checklist for 2012 SAT

This is a checklist for 2012 SAT, which was modified from the one for 2011 SAT. The SAT examinees can download and print it out for their convenience.

Good luck!

Checklist for 2012 SAT.doc

2012年1月13日 星期五

Reminders & Essay Rating Criteria for SAT Takers

The 2012 SAT falls on next Tuesday and Wednesday. The CEEC put in its newsletter a list of reminders and the rating criteria for both Chinese and English essay writing. All the examinees should read them carefully.



2012年1月12日 星期四

An Excellent English Writing Website

Today when I was looking for the ten good English essays for the 2009 SAT provided by CEEC, I ran into a fabulous website for English writing. Just take a look at what you can find through it.

Writing English

2012年1月11日 星期三

A Picture Story by a Student

This is a picture story by a student in Class 311 for Meow-meow practice test Unit 16. The ending is different from many others. Lovely!

writing task picture story

2012年1月10日 星期二

A Picture Story by a Student for the 2007 SAT

The following is an essay for the writing task on the 2007 SAT by a student who graduated from NHSH last summer. The essay was graded a 19/20 by his English teacher and commented as "Almost perfect."









Source: 96 SAT English (CEEC)

2012年1月8日 星期日

A Touching Essay--《取捨》--第五屆聯合盃全國作文大賽 台北市初賽高中職組第一名

Although the following is a Chinese essay, the author’s approach to the topic--using personal experience--can be applied to English writing.  The only difference is that an English essay will start with a topic sentence telling its readers its main theme.



台北市初賽高中職組第一名 2011/12/10

《取捨》中山女高 林子馨

2012年1月6日 星期五

Thesauruses & Synonyms of "Delicious"

Tired of always using the word "delicious" for good food? Consult a Thesaurus dictionary or visit Thesaurus websites, and you can find several synonyms. The following is an example.


By keying in"delicious" and pressing Enter, you will find words similar in meaning to the word.

2012年1月5日 星期四

English Verbs to Describe "Walk"

I was shocked to find 101 words to describe "walk and run" on the following webpage:


Of course, we can use "walk" or "run" in all cases; however, using a specific word can create vivid mental pictures.

Listed below are some more often used verbs:

2012年1月4日 星期三

An Essay by a Student

Remember the picture of a writing task in which a man is standing by his car in the middle of nowhere?  (See http://june.ettachou.com/2011/12/17/follow-the-instructions/#more-4980)  A student in Class 311 saw the picture from a different persepctive and composed the following essay.

2012年1月2日 星期一

"Ask Aunty"--Advice from Students

Two weeks ago, I had students read several "Ask Aunty" passages from RD. On the back of the paper were three sticky situations and students were invited to offer advice. A week later, I gave them the advice from the RD so that they could make a comparison. Here is one of the thorny problems, followed by five students' advice and the response from the RD. 


Sep. 2009, RD 

Dear Aunty, 

I have a good friend who’s a foodaholic. When the front door opens, he heads for my fridge and eats whatever is in sight. He weighs over 130 kilograms. I never raid his kitchen. I have told him his behavior bothers me, but he laughs it off. What can I do to keep from getting angry each time?

                                                                                                     Buffet Buddy