2011年8月31日 星期三

Using "Tears in Heaven" to Teach the Subjunctive Mood

This morning when reviewing the subjunctive mood in Class 311, I used the song "Tears in Heaven" to demonstrate the different patterns for reality and irreality. It's fun!

First, I had the students listen to the song with lyrics, then I showed the lyrics on the ppt as follows, dividing the lyrics into two parts--imagination/irreality and reality.

2011年8月30日 星期二

Start with What You Love--A Good Way to Learn English

Around 11am, Shih-jen (張世仁), a former student, paid me a visit, and near the end of our conversation, I requested that she give a short talk to Class 311 in English on how to learn English. To my surprise and delight, she agreed. Why surprised? Because she had to postpone her lunch until after 1pm since the class started at 12:50.

2011年8月29日 星期一

Go to School Happily--開學前必讀/蔡炳坤:1堅持2關鍵 快樂上學去

Though this letter is intended for junior high and elementary school students and their parents, senior high school students can benefit from it too.


開學前必讀/蔡炳坤:1堅持2關鍵 快樂上學去


2011年8月28日 星期日

Good 2011 UEE Essays

Every year, CEEC posts good Chinese and English essays written on the SAT and UEE. The following is a news report in the UDN, which presents two among the 29 for this year's UEE, both of which are marvelous.


指考「寬與深」佳作 賈伯斯、林懷民入文


2011年8月25日 星期四

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--4

The final segment of the interview consists of four parts: 1) Average English Ability of Taiwan Citizens 2) How to Motivate Taiwans Students 3) To Improve English Learning Environment in Taiwan 4) Advice for the Younger Generation.

2011年8月24日 星期三

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--3

In Part 3 of the interview, Mr. Lai talk more about Taiwan students vs. Chinese students. Besides, the issues of internationalization and English learning environment in Taiwan are discussed. A few useful tips were given in this part; namely, 1) Do not feel shy when it comes to speaking English. 2) Learn to talk to yourself and speak aloud. For example, while waiting for the bus, you can translate what people around you are saying and describe what you see, regardless of grammar. The latter is the strategy used by a former student of mine Cloe (戴文淇), who has a really good command of English.

2011年8月23日 星期二

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--2

This is Part 2 of the interview with Mr. Lai on English Teaching in Taiwan. In it, Mr. Lai talks about how he founded the Ivy League magazine and his marketing strategies in China. He also compares the different attitude toward learning English between students in Taiwan and those in China and the different roles he plays--an English teacher vs. an entrepreneur.


2011年8月22日 星期一

Peter Lai (賴世雄) Talks on English Teaching in Taiwan--1

In the video, Peter Lai, founder of Ivy League, talks in English about how to learn English based on his own English learning experience. The main points in his 12-minute talk include starting with speaking and reading texts aloud instead of by heart.


Registration Deadline for GEPT High-Intermediate Level is Aug. 23--100年全民英撿中高級初試報名截止日期為八月二十三日

For those who would like to take the GEPT (first stage, High-Intermediate level), the registration deadline is this Wednesday Tuesday, Aug. 23. The test will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15.


2011年8月20日 星期六

Raymond Soong, A Doctor without Borders

While I was reading the July issue of the Live magazine in preparation for writing test questions for the freshmen, I came across a familiar name in the article "Raymond Soong, a Doctor without Borders": 宋睿祥. I mentioned the name on Plurk and got confirmation from my former student Etta. Raymond was Etta's classmate at Chieh-show Junior High School, where I taught before coming to NHSH. Etta told me I taught them for two weeks as a substitute teacher.

2011年8月19日 星期五

Reading Activity--What's the Missing Word

Recently, when reviewing in Class 311 the articles students were given to read at home, I projected the articles onto the screen with some blanks. Then the students filled in the missing words orally. Amazingly, they could fill in almost all the blanks with the right words.

2011年8月18日 星期四

Dear Aunty--A Writing Activity

Yesterday, about three minutes before the class was dismissed, I gave Class 311 a reader's problem in the RD advice column "Dear Aunty" as follows:

Dear Aunty,

I have a best friend who has a serious problem with body odour. I never told her because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. It’s bothering me since people know and talk about it behind her back. I think she’s unaware of it. What’s the nicest way to tell her?

Troubled Best Friend

2011年8月16日 星期二

An Accident--Two Essays by Students

The following are two essays by students for the writing task on their practice test Meow-meow 6. The essays have been roughly modified.

Writing task:



2011年8月14日 星期日

Read to Learn English

"The rolling hills of the Zambales mountain ranges extended several kilometres to the east and the north. The air was filled with the sounds of birds chirping, water gushing from the mountains, leaves rustling in the wind, and cicadas singing."

2011年8月11日 星期四

Teaching the Relative Clause

Today in class, we reviewed the relative clauses. I used PowerPoint to go over some important points, interwoven with some oral practices, using the relative clause to talk about their personal prefrence or opinion. After the review, the students were given a small quiz, followed by the song "Because You Loved Me," which contains a lot of relative clauses.

The following is the song. You might like to sing along and count how many relative clauses there are. Enjoy it!

2011年8月10日 星期三

A Summary of "The Girl in the Fifth Row"

I had the students read a Chicken Soup story, "The Girl in the Fifth Row," around two weeks ago. Most of the students rated it as their favorite among the four stories they have read by the end of last week.

I encouraged but didn't force the students to write a summary of the story. The following is one by a student in Clas 311.

2011年8月5日 星期五

My New Students

301 class 303 Class 311

(A click on a photo enlarges it.)

These are the three new classes I started to teach this summer. All of the students are angels to me. Nice to meet you, everyone.

2011年8月4日 星期四

2011年8月3日 星期三

2011年8月2日 星期二

Essays by Students for 2011 SAT

The following are three essays written by students in Class 311 for the 2011 SAT. To see the writing task, please click on the URL.



2011年8月1日 星期一

A Video of Saudi Women Defying the Ban on Driving

When I found the Internet version of the article I read today in the TIME magazine (August 1-August 8, 2011), "In Pursuit of Romance," I was invited to watch this video of Saudi women defying the ban on driving.

Living in Taiwan, I cannot imagine such a conservative country as Saudi Arabia. This is not a matter of right or wrong, but rather, a matter of difference.


Saudi Women Defy Ban on Driving