2011年2月25日 星期五

Students' Responses to the Article "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior"

Yesterday and today, I had Classes 309 and 314 read part of the article "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior" in class. This article from Wall Street Journal was written by Amy Chua, a Chinese mother in the States who believes in the "No pains, no gains" and "Spare the rod, spoil the child" doctrine. Her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has generated public interest and heated debate in both the West and the East. 

After the students read the story on pages 5-6, the part about how Ms. Chua insisted her daughter Lulu keep working on a difficult piano piece until she got it right, I had the students write a short response to it in 5 minutes.

The following are some of the responses from Class 309, which were done yesterday.

1. The reason why she does all these things is understandable, but it's a bit over-the-top. However, if her daughers can feel and know that she truly cares and loves them, it seems like an OK method. The key is whether her daughters cna be understanding towards their mother--if they fear her from then onwards, it's not worth it. But if what her method produces is a disciplined and dilighent character, which she herself, along with her daughters, will be later thankful for, then it's fine. (30925)

2. Wow! It was horrifying! If I were Lulu, I would have escaped from the house. I can't even imagine the pressure she suffered. It must be like living in the hell. To me, following our heart to live is more important. (30935)

3. I do agree with Amy Chua's way to teach her children. Only through rigorous practice can one lay a solid foundation. Though continuous push really drives people crazy, whatever Amy did to her kids is all for their own good. (30925)

4. I think Amy Chua is too strict with her daughters. They are confined to small space. As a result, they cannot contact other interesting things in their lives. I bet that they may want to escape from their mother. (30902)

5. If my mom had done the same thing to me, I would have obeyd her, because she brought me to this world. (30918)

6. In fact, I can't say Amy's instruction was wrong, but I can't accept her way of raising her children. It may deprive children of their true interest and passion. I prefer to respect children's interest rather than restrict them. (30903)

7. I don't think Amy Chua really know what her children wanted. She didn't realize them, but just made her daughters do what she wanted them to do. Although hard work is important, the way she chooses to treat her daughters is too over. Maybe she can try different ways, like cheering them up or something. Otherwise, her daughters will not really love music. They might even hate it in the future. (30936)

8. Teaching children by threatening them is a kind of child abuse. Children should not grow up in fear. They should be happy all the time.

If you want to read the article, you can download it. 

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.doc

