2011年2月13日 星期日

Advice from a NHSH Graduate

This morning, Yi-ching (陳怡晴), a former student who is a sophomore at National Dong Hwa University, called me and we had a good chat. She told me what she was doing in preparation for her exchange student life in Czech Republic starting this coming fall. At the end of our conversation, she gave some sincere advice to my students.
1. 放鬆,相信並跟著老師複習就可以,不會太慢,不要焦慮。焦慮於事無補,那些時間不如拿來讀書。

2. 選自己喜歡的科系念;不過校風也很重要。

3. 不要認為大學聯考考不好是最嚴重的事情。

4. 如果推甄上了不愛的科系而勉強去念,以後很有可能會後悔,說不定指考可以考上更好的。

5. 不要放棄任何一科,不要讓某一科成了自己想上的科系的絆腳石。

6. 東華大學交換學生的條件之一:學業成績平均要70分左右。

7. 認真地做好每件事。

Thank you, Yi-ching, for these wonderful pieces of advice. Keep up your good work and good luck.

