2010年6月21日 星期一

English Test-Taking Skills--教育電台「大學之道」/英語科-6

Though my current students won't take the UEE until the summer in 2011, the following tips can still help them in any English test.


教育電台「大學之道」/英語科-6 2010/06/07




1. 倒扣分數最多的大題,請注意。

2. 快速瀏覽問題與選項,了解問題的重點,因此閱讀過程可以去蕪存菁,過濾掉非重點部份。

My comments: Reading for a purpose--this is very important when taking the reading comprehension test.

3. 圈選關鍵字—閱讀文章、題目、選項時,記得邊讀邊圈關鍵重點字。以利迅速鎖定答案

My comments: A former student of mine told me last year that before he applied the above two rules, he got a terrible score on the first UEE mock exam. Once he followed the rules, he found the reading comprehension section not difficult at all.

4. 出題方向列舉:


(1) 考local à 意即考detail (人、事、時、地、物)

.字詞涵意: What does the word mean?

(2) 考 global:

.何者為真為非 Which of the following statements is true?

.推論 From the passage we can infer that _____.

.主旨為何? What is the main idea of the passage?

.標題為何? What is the best title of this passage?

(3) 考題會【換句話說】,用另一種方式改寫。

5. 考前訓練,可以多找一些閱讀測驗、歷屆考題最佳,習慣指考閱讀測驗的出題方式後,會發現出題方向不難預測。

My comments: Instead of going to cram school, the student I mentioned above did a lot of exercises on his own and finally got a 84 on the UEE.



1. 注意時間掌控

2. 遇到不會題目,可以先做後面題目,不要被困住而浪費時間。

3. 作答善用消去法。但因為有倒扣,不要亂猜答案。

4. 作文不可放棄,即便以最基礎的句型寫出亦可,但不可題目內文的句子。

My comments: For the composition, the examinees are asked to write around 120 words. If a sentence, on average, contains 10 words, they need to write only about12 sentences. In the high school textbook, each lesson introduces two sentence patterns, so the students learn at least 100 sentence patterns in the 6 textbooks. That's more than enough.

5. 多做歷屆試題,因為題目內容信度、效度、準確性、鑑別度高。

My comments: Once we are familiar with something, we find it easier to deal with it.

6. 有空多朗讀課本範文、作文範文,增加語感,增強下筆寫作靈感。

My comments: Reading aloud is what I always remind my students to do.

7. 複習考試時犯錯的單字、題目等。

My comments: When I was a student, this was what I always did. After a test, the score didn't matter as much as what I learned from the test.

