2008年11月9日 星期日

Former Students and I--Reunion on School Founding Anniversary

I was very happy to see many former students yesterday at the school anniversary celebration. So excited were we that we gave each other a big hug. I spent almost the whole day chatting with them in the office. Most of them are studying in college, some are planning to go abroad for advanced studies, and some are working. After graduation, everyone has developed a totally different story.

In the photos are:

黃詩晴、王榮頤 (Andy)、歐馥嘉(Helen)、林慈瑞、何翊綾、曾祥宇、洪逸庭、江旆錡、萬修安、曾雅韓、賀毓庭、吳代華(Ben)、曾俊輔、洪儷珊(Varren)、杜嘉玟、王馨珮、羅翊芯、紀宛庭、沈采萱、黃芊穎、許哲榮、張家豪、賴岳義、賴旋安、張柏偉、王子豪、陳映廷、程儀瑾、曾姿穎、金亞文、羅奕平、鍾羽婷、任亭、洪甄翌、吳政欣.

I put their names down so as not to forget their names years from now.

In fact, there were some students who I didn't have the chance to take photos of. Most of them are my former 314 students. Hsiao-yu (曉瑜)and Ching-hsuien (周靜萱) were two who surprised me most because we haven't seen each other for about 10 years.

