2014年6月30日 星期一

"UNESCO's newest World Heritage Sites"--from CNN

Click the link, and you'll find 20 photos of the sites, each with a more detailed description.


UNESCO's newest World Heritage Sites

By Katia Hetter, CNN

June 23, 2014 -- Updated 2021 GMT (0421 HKT)

(CNN) -- To explore a site inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List is to see a place of outstanding universal value.

My comments: The word "inscribed" is smartly used here.

And with more natural and cultural wonders added to the prestigious preservation list over the last few days, there are now more than 1,000 sites to visit all over the world.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has been considering new sites at a meeting in Qatar since June 15.

2014年6月29日 星期日

A Piece of News a Day

A way to get students connected to the real world is to have them read news. However, some students could have a feeling of fear if the teacher just says, "Now let's read a piece of news," because they always take news as something far above their English level, with many words or phrases unfamiliar to them and some complex sentences for them to dissect.

2014年6月28日 星期六

"Is there a distinctive 'Indian English'?"--from BBC

When I was studying in the States for my master's degree around 25 years ago, a professor in the TESL department already pointed out the term "Englishes." I don't know if it was coined by him. But at that time, I believe it was a stir in the air of the "English" world.


#BBCtrending: Is there a distinctive 'Indian English'?

By BBC Trending

What's popular and why

27 June 2014 Last updated at 18:26

Is there a distinctive "Indian English"? Yes, according to a hashtag that's been trending in the country - #IndianEnglish.

2014年6月27日 星期五

Cherish Your Family

A few days ago, I read a LINE passage from my friend. It says that one day when we pass away, the company we worked for will soon find a replacement, but that to our parents and other family members, it would be like the end of the world.

2014年6月26日 星期四

"10 Words You Should Never Use to Describe Yourself"

An interesting article.


10 Words You Should Never Use to Describe Yourself

Unless, of course, you're a little too full of yourself.

Consider the word "charismatic." If someone called me charismatic, I will be incredibly flattered (and hugely surprised.) But if I call myself charismatic, you will think I'm a jerk--and rightly so.

2014年6月25日 星期三

Where Should Education Focus?--"只改升學制度 教育品質呢?"--from UDN


只改升學制度 教育品質呢?
2014.06.25 01:35 am


My comments: A twisted phenomenon.

2014年6月23日 星期一

Options for Junior High School Graduates: a Flow Chart--高中職第一次免試放榜後 有哪些選擇?

A flow chart on this webpage shows clearly the options for junior high school graduates after the high school admission results came out .


高中職第一次免試放榜後 有哪些選擇?


放榜了!不只「幾家歡樂幾家愁」,還充滿了許多無奈與無力,身為第一屆12年國教 的白老鼠,免試分發放榜的情緒更複雜。尤其在一級戰區北北基,更是戰況慘烈。有的如願考上第一志願,有的考5A++、作文5級分只上了第五志願,還有雙胞胎姊妹因 作文得分不同而命運迥異。到底高中職第一次免試放榜後,學生們有哪些選擇的管道呢?

Teaching Kids to Tell Right from Wrong--"嚴長壽:教孩子思辨是非更重要"--from the UDN





2014年6月22日 星期日

How She Got a 990 on TOEIC--"看影集練英文 她多益990分"--from the UDN


看影集練英文 她多益990分



2014年6月21日 星期六

What School Uniform You Wear Does Not Count Much in Life--"人生成敗關鍵不在制服顏色"--from UDN


2014.06.21 02:49 pm

頂著大太陽,生氣的家長怒吼「自己的孩子自己救」,哭喪著臉的學生不能想像 5A++還上不了第一志願,今天的這一批街頭抗議者格外辛苦。也難怪有候選人放言,「教改爭議將壓垮國民黨政權」。

My comments: Kids with confidence in his competence and passion for learning will always perform well whichever school they get into.

2014年6月20日 星期五

Writing: the Most Important Language Skill Among the Four--"作文凌駕一切 理所當然!"--from the UDN


作文凌駕一切 理所當然!
2014.06.18 06:08 am


My comments: What concerns most people is the subjectivity of the raters.

2014年6月19日 星期四

What the 2014 CA Chinese Writing Topic Reveals--"平路/作文題洩露的祕密"--from the UDN


2014.06.18 06:08 am



My comments: Hopefully, the problem of subjectivity could be solved by each essay being graded by two raters, which is already in practice. 

2014年6月18日 星期三

"10 Words People Who Lack Confidence Always Use"--from Inc.

When I asked students a question, for example, "Do you think the tips the author offers are useful?" if their answer was "Maybe," it didn't give me much information. The following article I found at the TIME website points out ten words to avoid using because they could reveal one's lack of confidence.


10 Words People Who Lack Confidence Always Use

John Brandon                                            

Want to avoid giving the impression you lack confidence and authority? Avoid these words

This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources, and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners. The article below was originally published at Inc.com.

2014年6月17日 星期二

"A Day Spent with Friends Is a Day Well Spent"--Happy School Reunion

Today we, a group of friends graduating in the same year from Xing-xing Junior High School more than 40 years ago, had a get-together at Beitou Museum (http://www.beitoumuseum.org.tw/index.html), where our schoolmate Sally Lee (李莎莉) is the curator.

2014年6月16日 星期一

Farewell Lunch Party

An NHSH farewell lunch party held for three English teachers who are retiring this August: Li-chin (劉麗琴老師), Mei-yun (張美雲老師), and Wen-ho (張文和老師). Not only

Does It Really Matter Not to Go to an Elite School?--國教風波/無緣第一志願 就是鳳凰變成雞?

I really love this title, which is thought-provoking.


國教風波/無緣第一志願 就是鳳凰變成雞?
2014.06.16 03:08 am


My comments: Life is a long journey.

2014年6月14日 星期六

"What Is It Like to Be Schizophrenic?"--CNN Film

This 5-minute CNN film, entitled "What is it like to be schizophrenic?" shows an exercise in empathy Anderson Cooper goes through,  hearing voices all the time. This film made me feel like crying, really sorry for those who suffer from schizophrenia. Watching it, you'll also feel sympathetic and empathetic toward them.  Hopefully, there will be a medical breakthrough to treat this mental illness.

You can have the subtitles on by clicking the setting icon. There is a delay between the speech/image and the subtitles, though.

History of Western Music in Seven Minutes--7分鐘讀懂西方音樂史

This is amazing! See how many of the musicians you know.

2014年6月13日 星期五

Attitude Is Everything--"再上課一年? 學他賣斧頭給布希"--from the UDN

This evening, while cleaning out the old newspapers in my study, I came across the following UDN article, which was published four years ago, on May 28, 2010. Failing to find the original online, I bumped into a post of the article in Sean_wiz's Blog.


再上課一年? 學他賣斧頭給布希

[聯合報╱張瑞雄/東華大學副校長(花縣壽豐)】 2010.05.28 02:34 am


2014年6月12日 星期四

An Unforgettable History Class in Edingburgh--洪蘭/教堂中震撼的歷史課--from the UDN


2014.06.12 02:24 am

日前去愛丁堡開會,在路口看見一群小朋友排隊進入一座古老的教堂,便好奇的跟了進去,原來他們在這裡上歷史課。這教堂的四壁刻著幾百年來,為國捐軀的蘇格蘭子弟名字:「我主紀元XX年,高地XX兵團XX、XX,為國王和國家奉獻了他們的生命(gave their lives),他們將永垂不朽(They shall live forever)」。

2014年6月11日 星期三

On This Year's CA English Test (2)--李家同︰會考英文太難 全校都拿C--from The Liberty Times

In this news article, different voices about this year's CA English test are given.


李家同︰會考英文太難 全校都拿C

2014/6/11 6:10am


2014年6月10日 星期二

On This Year's Comprehensive Assessment--國中會考/李家同:用功三年 大家都是C…

In this UDN article, Mr. Lee mentioned the validity of a test item on this year's CA English test.


國中會考/李家同:用功三年 大家都是C…
2014.06.10 02:05 am


2014年6月9日 星期一

"5 Tips for Teaching the Tough Kids"--from EduTopia


5 Tips for Teaching the Tough Kids

May 19, 2014

Every teacher remembers his or her first "tough kid" experience. Maybe the student ignored your directions or laughed at your attempts to utilize the classroom discipline steps. We all have at least one story to share, and for some teachers, teaching a tough kid is a daily challenge. It seems that no matter what teaching techniques you try to pull out of your educator hat, nothing changes their behavior.

My comments: I tried my best, but didn't panic if I couldn't change them.

2014年6月8日 星期日

Get Out of the Comfort Zone--"跳出框框 新鮮人才能出頭"--from the UDN


跳出框框 新鮮人才能出頭
【聯合報╱趙坤茂/ 台大資訊糸教授(台北市)】
2014.06.08 03:44 am



2014年6月7日 星期六

Tips from Two Students on Preparation for English Test on CEE

A friend of mine asked me to give advice to her son this afternoon on how to prepare in the last month for the CEE English test which is held in early July. To give him practical suggestions, I invited two former students via FB a few days ago to share their experiences. Both of them got over 80 in English on the 2012 CEE. What impressed me was that on the SAT in in that year's February, one of them got only a 10 ranking score on a scale of 15, approximately 60 out of 100 points. The great progress was due to his hard work.

2014年6月6日 星期五

Tips on Preparation for the 2014 CEE--指考衝刺/留心時事用語 背熟7000詞彙


指考衝刺/留心時事用語 背熟7000詞彙



2014年6月5日 星期四

Family Trip

I'm in Yilan now with my mother and two sisters, one of whom has been back in Taiwan from the USA and one came from Taichung this morning from Taichung.

This is the first time we three daughters have been on a trip with our mom since our childhood. We are all bathed in great joy.

2014年6月4日 星期三

Learning English Online Helps--線上學英文1年 多益進步325--from UDN


線上學英文1年 多益進步325分
2014.06.04 04:18 am


2014年6月3日 星期二

2014年6月2日 星期一

Empathy--"體恤他人 單親媽給的無價財富"--from UDN


體恤他人 單親媽給的無價財富

2014.06.01 05:14 am



My comments: A good example of empathy.

2014年6月1日 星期日

"Teaching the News: More Online Sources for News Materials"--from TESOL Blog


Teaching the News: More Online Sources for News Materials

Back in February, I wrote a post about using a site called News in Levels to help students improve their listening and, to a lesser extent, their reading. That site is really just one of the many sites out there that uses current news events as a starting point for learning. Today, I want to share two more similar sites with you.

My comments: Thanks, Ms. Arntsen. I love News in Levels and was amazed at the efforts they've been making to help English learners. In the speech I made about teaching listening, I recommended this website to the audience.