2013年11月15日 星期五

Grammar Learning

One way to make learning grammar fun and effective is by using sentence patterns to talk about real life. In this way, not only do learners find it easier to get familiar with the form of a new patttern but they also know its function. For example, yesterday and today in Class 219 and Class 214 when we came to the pattern "needn't + V," I had students tell their partner what they don't think their ideal mate need to be or do. Then I asked them to tell me what they found about their partner. The following are some sentences they made:

My partner's ideal mate needn't be rich/ beautiful/tall.

My patner's ideal mate needn't have a house/a car.

My partner's ideal mate needn't speak English well.

Then we moved on to the next pattern: have difficulty/trouble/problems/a hard time + Ving. First I did a survey by asking questions using this pattern, for example,

"Do you have difficulty understanding my English? /Who has difficulty understanding my English?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep?

Do you have a hard time getting up in the morning?

Who has trouble studying math?

Do you have problems communicating with your parents?"

Then I asked them to make sentences with this pattern to tell me what they find difficult to do. A sentence from 219 is quite interesting:

"I have difficulty not telling the truth."

