2013年2月7日 星期四

"Most Americans take breaks from Facebook"--a CNN Survey


Survey: Most Americans take breaks from Facebook
By Heather Kelly, CNN

February 6, 2013 -- Updated 1233 GMT (2033 HKT)

(CNN) -- Facebook follows you everywhere. It's on phones and  computers, at work and home, and in the news. So it's understandable that people  might need a little rest from the social network.

New research suggests that  Facebook fatigue may be setting in with some users. Twenty-seven percent of  Facebook users surveyed in the U.S. plan to spend less time on the site in 2013, compared with only 3% who plan to spend more time, according to a study from the Pew Research Center's Internet & American  Life Project.

(Another 69% of Facebook users  say they plan to spend the same amount of time on the site this coming  year.)

The Pew study also found that 61%  of Facebook users have taken a break from the service for several weeks or more.  During these breaks, the vast majority of Facebook vacationers don't delete  their profiles.

The site boasts that it has more  than a billion active users. Pew found that two-thirds, or 67%, of American  adults who are online use Facebook.

The reasons people gave for taking a sabbatical from the network were varied. The most common motivation was  not having enough time for the site, with 21% of people saying they were just too busy with real-life responsibilities to spend time reading posts, liking and  commenting.

Other reasons for leaving: Ten  percent called it a waste of time, 10% cited a lack of interest in the content,  and 9% said they were unhappy with the amount of drama and gossip on the site.  Only 4% of people mentioned privacy and security concerns as their reason for taking a breather.

Among the comments from those who  took Facebook breaks: "I was tired of stupid comments." ... "(I had) crazy  friends. I did not want to be contacted." ... "I took a break when it got  boring." ... "It was not getting me anywhere." ... "You get burned out on it  after a while." ... "I gave it up for Lent." ... "People were (posting) what  they had for dinner." ... "I didn't like being monitored." ... "I got harassed  by someone from my past who looked me up."... "It caused problems in my  (romantic) relationship."

My comments: A very good friend of mine posted the pictures of her lunch box she made on FB, and I think it is a good idea.  Before seeing those pictures, I didn't know a lunch box could have such varieties and be so colorful.  I really love those posts.

Not everyone who leaves Facebook  comes back to the site. According to Pew, 20% of online adults who currently  don't use Facebook formerly maintained a profile on the site. The number of  Facebook users in the U.S. may be plateauing, as only 8% of non-users said they  would be interested in joining.

Mark Zuckerberg's company needs  to keep its users active on the site and mobile apps, especially since the pool  of untapped of potential new members in the U.S. is dwindling. If Facebook  starts to feel stale, more of its active users could take longer breaks or leave  altogether, like they did with such formerly hot social networks as Friendster  and MySpace.

My comments: Used properly, Facebook surely has its merits.  For example, I once did a survey on FB, asking my former students whether one should choose schools before majors or vice versa.  I did it for my students who are making decisions about which university and which department to go to.  What's more, I once posted a speech information. A student saw and attended it.

