2013年2月20日 星期三

MOOCs--「磨課師」線上教程 明年底推百門課


「磨課師」線上教程 明年底推百門課 【聯合報╱記者陳智華/台北報導】2013/02/08


My comments: In my last two years of teaching, especially the last year, I used a lot of Youtube and a few TED videos.  Students and I enjoyed it very much because it not only add variety to my teaching but also connected students to the real English world.

The definition of MOOC from Wikipedia:

A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aiming at large-scale participation and open access via the web. MOOCs are a recent development in distance education using open educational resources. They are similar to college courses, but typically do not offer academic credit. Other forms of assessment or certification may be available including those based on learning analytics for online environments.

See more about it:




My comments: So students can get online anywhere anytime in school?  Will this be a blessing or a curse?

至於今年新推出的「磨課師計畫」, 將與台大、台聯大、台綜大等十五所大學組磨課師聯盟,希望明年底推出一百門課

磨課師是MOOCs(Massive Open Online Courses大型線上開放課程)的諧音,其精神是強調以小單元 (約五到十分鐘)的分段課程,配合即時線上討論與回饋、線上同儕合作學習與討論、虛擬線上實驗,並有線上練習與評量

My comments: Attention span is taken into consideration. 


My comments: An idea taken from "flippedd classroom"?


My comments: Self-paced learning has always been an ideal scenario in education.


全文網址: 「磨課師」線上教程 明年底推百門課 - 文教新資訊 - 文教要聞 - udn校園博覽會 http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=440752#ixzz2LS2KXPZh Power By udn.com


