2012年10月27日 星期六

An Act of Kindness in the Barber's

My late father in his autobiography mentioned that he told the hairdressers in the barber's that they were doing something good for people. Here is his philosophy: Everyone looks better and cleaner after leaving the barber's, feeling happy. Isn't making others happy an act of kindness?

What a beautiful philosophy!

2012年10月25日 星期四

Words from My Dear Father

你在一生中必須抱著夢想 時常體會它的實際感覺 這樣 終有一天 你會碰到夢想成真的一天

"In your life, you've got to have a dream and always feel its realization.  Then one day your dream will come true."

2012年10月22日 星期一

Motivation is the Key--英聽入考科/提升英聽?學生缺企圖心

Motivation is the Key--英聽入考科/提升英聽?學生缺企圖心


2012.10.22 02:50 am

2012年10月19日 星期五

Habit Is Second Nature

All creatures are the slaves of habits.

This Monday noon, when I got to the restaurant where some of my NHSH colleagues and I would have a gathering, I waited at the door for it to open automatically.

2012年10月18日 星期四

Benefits of Fruits

Recently, I've spent a lot of time visiting my father in hospital in Tainan.  Looking around at the sick people, I recalled words from a high school principal, Ms. Chou (周麗玉校長).  She once said that when we are young, we have to think about what kind of life we would like to lead in old age and live a lifestyle leading to it. 

2012年10月16日 星期二

On 12-Year Compulsory Education--洪蘭:不要再扯12年國教後腿





2012年10月15日 星期一

"Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books" --from BBC

A good strategy to improve reading comprehension is to read in English what we are familiar with.  Recently, BBC news has been running articles about key figures in Chinese history.  This is a good authentic reading material because the intended readers are native speakers of English.  That is, it is written not for a pedagogical reason but to give information.


Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books

By Carrie Gracie BBC  News, Beijing

15 October 2012 Last updated at 01:54 GMT

2012年10月14日 星期日

Legendary Sisters:--The Soong sisters: Women of influence in 20th Century China--from BBC


The Soong sisters: Women of influence in 20th Century China

By Carrie Gracie

BBC  News, Beijing

11 October 2012 Last updated at 23:57 GMT

There will be no women at the helm of  China's Communist Party when the leadership is reshuffled next month, but there  are many more opportunities for women in today's China than there were 100 years  ago. Then the only way to achieve influence was to marry it - and three sisters  from one family showed how.

2012年10月12日 星期五

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012

This year's Nobel Literature Prize goes to...

Mo Yan

The Official Site of the Nobel Prize.


"The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 was awarded to Mo Yan "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".


The following is a CNN news story about the new Nobel Prize laureate.

2012年10月11日 星期四

What Makes One Successful?


2012.10.10 01:47 am


2012年10月9日 星期二

BBC News Report on this Year's Nobel Prize Winners for Medicine or Physiology

I read this BBC news report last night before going  to sleep.  Click the link and you'll watch a video of Gurdon talking at a press conference in London.


Gurdon and Yamanaka share Nobel prize for stem cell work

By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

8 October 2012 Last updated at 13:58 GMT

2012年10月8日 星期一

Grand Tour and Mental Journey--壯遊與神遊

The following is a article recommended by my former student Sunny on FB.  I copied and pasted it on my blog so that I can add some comments.  Click the link, and you'll find more marvelous articles by Prof. Peng.



2012年6月9日星期六    from  清大彭明輝的部落格

2012年10月7日 星期日

French Students' Academic Pressure--法國小學生周休3日 但…壓力好大


法國小學生周休3日 但…壓力好大
2012.10.07 09:18 pm


2012年10月6日 星期六

A Publication on English Learning

Want to improve your English?  I came across this publication at a convenience store today.  Click the link or read on, and go over the table of contents, before deciding to buy or borrow one.


2012年10月4日 星期四

What School Has Yet to Teach

Two days ago, I posted a survey on FB, asking my FB friends what they think school has yet to teach.  All the answers came from my students except one.  The following is a list of the responses, arranging in the order of the respondents' graduation year from high school.

TOEIC Threshod for Korean Companies


韓企徵才英文標準 比台灣高很多
2012.10.04 04:06 am


2012年10月3日 星期三

To Freshman Physics Majors

This afternoon, while flipping through and re-organizing my files, I came across the following article.  Fortunately, I  found it online just now.  Since a few students of mine who graduated in July major in physics, I would like to post it in my blog for their reference.  In fact, some parts of it apply to all college students.

Thank goodness that I still keep the newspaper clipping.   This reminds me of the book A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder




.導讀名人:吳茂昆(國科會主委)      高涌泉(台大物理系教授) .


2012年10月2日 星期二

That Stare...

Up to now, I still can't erase that stare from my mind...

Today I went to Tainan to visit my dad in ICU in the hospital.  He looked better, no more painful expression on his face except when the nurse was changing the sticky tape used to fasten the tubes.  I kept talking to him and hummed some classical music to soothe him.