2012年4月10日 星期二

Line-up Culture--An Essay by a Student

When writing an essay, very often we are required to give a personal experience to support our argument in the previous paragraph.  The following essay exemplifies this.

提示: 排隊文化在亞洲非常盛行,大至日本國民品牌和西班牙平價服飾在台灣所展現地經人排隊人潮,小至口耳相傳的街頭巷弄排隊美食,對此你有何看法?請寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段,第一段說明你認同此一排隊現象嗎?原因為何?第二段分享你的排隊經驗,以支持第一段的論點.

Line-up culture is very common in Taiwan. Since people believe a long line represents better quality, they tend to wait in line for a certain product such as pearl milk tea or a special gadget, no matter how long the line is. In my opinion, we can benefit from the line-up culture. First, we are able to know that the products in a shop are popular among people if people line up in front of the shop we aren’t familiar with. Furthermore, lining up for a long time and then getting the thing we want brings a sense of achievement and we will feel happy about purchasing the product. 

Take me for example. One day, my friend and I went to the Lin-ho night market. Not having been there before, we contemplated for quite a while which food to eat. Then, we found a long line and decided to stand in it. Regardless of the crowds of people and the heat, we still waited in the line patiently. Finally we go the food and enjoyed its great taste. From then on, whenever I saw people lining up for something, I would definitely go up to join them. (303 Wei-chun Yo)

