2012年4月13日 星期五

A New Elective Course--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay by a student for the English writing on the 2nd mock exam. Some revisions have been made.

提示:學校欲安排新的一門一學期的選修課程(elective course),想請你針對這門選修課提供想法與意見。請寫一篇英文作文,第一段說明你會建議上什麼課程以及課程的內容或活動,第二段說明你為何提出這樣的建議。

I’d like to see a charity class introduced to my school. During this elective course, we students would pay a visit to charity organizations. We would clean the environment for them, chat with the elderly at nursing homes and play with kids at the orphanage. By really doing something for others, students would learn to lend a helping hand to someone in need of help and care more about people around. 

The reason why I suggest a charity class derives from my person observation. I have noticed that in our society, some people are selfish. Thinking they are the most important, they seldom care about others, let alone help them. By taking this class, I hope that students would realize that something is far more significant than themselves and their career. I believe the charity class would be a seed of love, which would one day grow into flowers bringing fragrance to our society. (153 words) (301王繼蓬)

