2011年11月30日 星期三

TED Conversations

For those who want to practice English writing, TED Conversations, a new social media platform on TED, is a good place. There you can either start or join a conversation with people from all over the world. Even if you don't have anything to contribute, just browsing through the conversations will give you ideas for writing.


For example,here's a topic I find interesting: What's one thing you wish you had learned in school? Click on the link below and you'll find hundreds of responses to this question.

2011年11月27日 星期日

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World, plus Famous Wonders, a Resourceful Website for Travelers

On the 2nd mid-term, there is a passage about the Channel Tunnel, or the Chunnel.   Reading the last sentence, "No wonder it's considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World," I was curious about the other six.   Surely it is easy to find the list online.   The following page of the website Famous Wonders gives not only the list but also a picture and a short descriptive passage for each Wonder.  Before clicking on the link, guess what the other six wonders are. 

2011年11月24日 星期四

Wisdom of Parents--不干涉不心疼 家長的智慧, Plus 過度學習 只滿足大人

The following are two UDN articles on education. One was by an educator, and the other by one who cares.


不干涉不心疼 家長的智慧

2011.11.24 01:34 am

2011年11月23日 星期三

"Hopes for better lives lead to slavery in U.S." from CNN

Recently, the poignant story of Isabel, or Ho Hsiao-feng, a Taiwanese woman who was sold into slavery at the age of 7 and had been mistreated thereafter until a kind woman helped her out, has been followed closely by the media.  The following is the news video/story on CNN, followed by today's report from the Taipei Times.

While watching the video, you might find yourself counting your blessings.


Hopes for better lives lead to slavery in U.S.

2011年11月21日 星期一

Affixes & a Website Introducing the Commonest Prefixes and Suffixes

This afternoon, a student in Class 301 came to the office to ask me about the prefixes: in-, com-, con-, and sub-. After explaining the meaning of each, I gave him two more: pro-, ex-and suggested that he consult some online affix dictionaries., which include both prefixes and suffixes.

2011年11月20日 星期日

Eslite, the Best Bookstore in Asia--an Article in TIME

When it comes to the convenience of living in Taiwan, a feature included in "Taiwan the Formosa," my blog entry dated Nov. 15, 2011, Eslite, recognized as the best bookstore in Asia by TIME, has its contribution.

The following is the article in TIME. You may like to write an outline for it, which is a good writing exercise.

2011年11月16日 星期三

The Gist & Tolerance of Ambiguity

Today students had to hand in their assignment for last weekend. It was an article entitled "Wings of Life," which is one of my favorites. The article was given with 10 words missing, which are all verbs. The students had to choose from the ten words given below the article a right word for each blank and then on the back of the handout write the theme of the story.

2011年11月13日 星期日

The 12-Year-Old Girl That Silenced the World for 6 Minutes

Here I'd like to present a speech by a Canadian school girl Severn Suzuki at UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in Rio de Jenairo in 1992 on environmental issues. Talking to the delegates from around the world, she was only 12 years old then.



2011年11月12日 星期六

The Provisional New 7 Wonders of Nature

Curious about the new 7 Wonders of Nautre? Click on the link and you'll see the list. However, they are yet to be confirmed.  Make a guess before you click.

2011年11月11日 星期五

Teaching Book 5, Unit 7 "Where There Is a Will"

Recently, we've been discussing Unit 7 "Where There Is a Will," which is about the construction of Taiwan's Hsuehshan Tunnel. Here I'd like to present the first period of the lesson.

2011年11月9日 星期三

CEEC Vocabulary List Levels 5-6

For those who have familiarized themselves with the words at Levels 3-4 and want to proceed to Level 5 and/or Level 6, which will be covered on the UEE in July, here is the list provided by CEEC.

2011年11月7日 星期一

Thank You for Giving Feedback

This morning, after the second period of class, a girl in Class 311 came up to me and told me that she was really touched by the story I gave last Friday "Information Please."  She said she was even on the brink of tears.  I told her the first time I read the story in Chicken Soup, the ending of the story did make me cry. 

2011年11月2日 星期三

20 Legends Who Shook the World

I was exhilarated to receive the supplement to the latest issue of TIME (Nov. 7, 2011): LIFE'S LEGENDS: 20 Who Shook The World. In it are a big photo of each of these 20 legends and a short article about them. Better yet, the same stories are accessible online.


The 20 legends are Marion Brando, Jackie Robinson, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King Jr., Chuck Yeager, Winston Churchill, Georgia O'Keeffe, Margaret Bourke-White, Edmund Hillary, Ingrid Bergman, Edwin Hubble, Muhammad Ali, Frank Lloyd Wright, Audrey Hepburn, Yves Saint Laurent, Marian Anderson, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Isamu Noguchi, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.