2010年1月7日 星期四

Why I Kept the Blog

This morning, Meng-fang (蔡孟芳老師), a colleague and friend of mine, told me she read my blog yesterday for the first time and was touched. She read it until midnight, one entry after another. Her words made my day. When she asked how she could email someone the entries on "If I Were a Freshman Again," I thought to myself, "Yes, that's one of the reasons I kept the blog for."

More than two years ago, I learned to create a blog. Since then, I've been keeping the blog every day. As I once mentioned in my blog, at first, the blog was meant to 1) record what I did in class so that I could share some teaching ideas with other teachers, 2) create an English environment for my student to practice writing English, and 3) be used as a bulletin board, where I could put some answer keys or announcements. Then one day after reading a good article, it occurred to me that a blog could be a good resource center, where I could put some good articles I read so that not only could I review them but others could also benefit from them. As long as I gave the authors credit by citing the soureces, I wouldn't commit plagiarism. My intention is good. I'm glad I did it. In such a vast universe of information, it would save us time if some people could read and collect for us something worth reading. I'm glad I'm one of those people. Thanks to blogging, I can serve people.

Here I'd like to thank Mr. Chen (陳怡杰老師) and Ms. Tsai (蔡明璇老師), who opened my way to the blogging world. Surely, they have their blogs too: http://www.tiec.tp.edu.tw/lifetype/301 and http://www.tiec.tp.edu.tw/lifetype/100.  And I also have to thank my student Etta, who introduced me to WordPress so that when the LifeType system crashed, I could still add new entries to my blog and my friend Annie (詹麗馨老師), whose blog is always an inspiration to me.

