2010年1月29日 星期五

English as a Tool, Not a Subject--Jan. 26 Entry on my LifeType blog

Thank Annie for reminding me this afternoon that I didn't post an entry for January 26.   In fact, I did keep my blog as usual that day.  However, I forgot to copy and paste the entry on this blog.  Click on the link, and you can read my Jan. 26 entry on the LifeType blog, or you can just read on.


Doris Brougham, the founder of Studio Classroom has had her autobiography published recently. She is 83 years old now and has been dedicated to Taiwan's English education for half a century. I salute her from the bottom of my heart. The following is a news report in today's UDN about her comments on Taiwan's English education .


搶救「菜」英文 彭蒙惠批考試很假
2010.01.26 03:48 am



My comments: I couldn't agree more. My students who are really good at English use English in their daily life. They read English books, listen to English programs, watch English movies, and even talk to themselves in English.


My comments: For example, tests may prove that some students know about the grammatical rules of tag questions. However, it doesn't ensure that the students can use tag questions in conversation without any problem.


My comments: I remember some ways of learning English mentioned in the book How to Learn English (如何學好英文). One of the interviewees, all of whom have a good command of English., said he put a radio in every room in his home and tuned each to ICRT. So wherever he goes in his home, he heard English. Well goes the sentence I read somewhere long ago, "When you swim in the sea of English, you'll surely get wet."


她回憶當初開辦「空中英語教室」,是因為台灣由農業社會轉形成工業社會,想要學英文的人多了。「我不想做一個『This is a desk.』這樣無聊的教學節目」,開始的節目形態是以英文報紙當教材,她在節目中幫讀者解答英語問題。報紙上出現的單字像是freeway(高速公路)、supermarket(超市)當時台灣都還沒有,所以彭蒙惠認為,英語只是一種「瞭解世界的工具」,本身並不是學習的目標。

My comments: When you take English as part of your life, you won't be afraid of it. You befriend it.

