2010年1月2日 星期六

How to Pronounce the Year 2010

Upon booting the computer this afternoon, I saw the following message on Yahoo!. That reminded me that last week when a student paused in her sentence, not knowing how to say "2010," I told her either "twenty ten" or "two thousand and ten" was OK. In fact, the first thing came to my mind was "twenty ten."


2010英文怎麼說? 習慣順口即可

更新日期:2010/01/02 12:16 趙元穎


時序進入2010年,到底「2010年」的英文該怎樣說才對呢?有人念成twenty-ten,也有人使用two thousand ten,大家眾說紛紜,英國BBC也針對這個問題進行討論,結果為了顧及發音容易,BBC最後傾向採用「twenty-ten」,其實這兩種說法都沒錯,只要大家說得順口就行了。

My comments: "Twenty ten" was what came first into my mind.

「2010」一開年,英文到底該怎麼說?是中規中矩的two thousand (and) ten?還是簡潔的Twenty ten?連老美都傻傻搞不清楚。美國民眾:「我通常是說twenty-ten。」

美國民眾:「我可能會說two thousand ten,因為我已經習慣了這種用法,two thousand nine、two thousand one。」


街頭隨機一問,大多數人選用twenty-ten,其實two thousand再加尾數的習慣用法,來自於本世紀初的千禧蟲,還有1968年的科幻經典片2001太空漫遊。

一般老美隨性所至,脫口而出之前,根本不會想太多,不過2010年要舉辦的溫哥華奧運,官方名稱用的是twenty-ten,而2012年的倫敦奧運則是兩種用法都通,還特別立法限制商業使用。美國民眾:「我可能會用twenty-ten,但我猜有時候two thousand ten也會脫口而出,所以兩者皆可。」

說的沒錯,根據牛津英語百科全書,大家約定俗成,口語通順就行了,兩種說法都ok,只是到了2011年之後,two thousand eleven說起來比較拗口,twenty加尾數的說法,應該就會開始大行其道了。

My comments: That means, 2011 would be pronounced as "twenty eleven" by most people.

The following is an English news report I found online about this topic:


The BBC has tackled the topic of how to pronounce 2010 with David Tennant suggesting 'twenty-ten' is preferred.

 Published: 1:10AM GMT 28 Dec 2009

 While some say ‘twenty-ten’, others are referring to ‘two thousand and ten’ and even ‘two-o-one-o’.

 The subject was raised in a programme on Radio 2 on Boxing Day – which was hosted the Doctor Who actors David Tennant and Catherine Tate

Tennant, 38, referred to the year as ‘twenty ten’, when telling a listener to have a “wonderful new year”.

Tate, said: “Oh twenty-ten – get you! Who’s been reading the compliance rules!’”

Tennant told their guest, Bernard Cribbins: “We’re supposed to say twenty-ten.”

But Cribbins said he believed most elderly people would prefer to say two thousand and ten.

Miss Tate added: “You’re not allowed to say two thousand and ten…The people in there are exploding!”

The BBC has a unit which decides on uniform pronunciation. However, the BBC said there had been no ruling on 2010.

A spokesman said: “Prior to the show, it was decided “twenty ten” was the easiest way to pronounce the year. It was not breaking any rules to say it in an alternative way.”

