2009年11月29日 星期日

Don't Waste Life in Front of the Computer, Said Lian, Jia-en (連加恩)

In today's UDN, I read a news report on Lian, Jia-en's speech at Tsing-hua University. Mr. Lian joined substitute military service to serve in Africa for 20 months after he graduated from medical school eight years ago. He taught the children there to collect garbage in exchange for old clothes and raised funds to set up an orphanage.

2009年11月28日 星期六

Overcome Some Problems with Vocabulary

Some students have trouble recalling an English word and its spelling. When they come to me and ask for my advice, I often tell them to make sentences orally. If they can make a sentence like

2009年11月27日 星期五

Live with a Purpose

Two boy students told me today that they don't have motivation for studying. Is it because they're fed up with studying or because they've never taken interest in studying?

2009年11月26日 星期四

Teachers' Preparation Work

In the afternoon, while I was watching the last part of Charlie Chaplin's movie Modern Times, Melody (陳美麗老師) called to borrow the CD of The Phantom of the Opera, which she needs for Lesson Nine in Book I. She asked me which version of the song "The Phantom of the Opera" is on my CD. According to her search on YouTube, there are two versions. She had to make sure so that she could get the right lyrics for the students. As a teacher, one often has work on his/her mind even when he/she is not working.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Getting Organized

Next lesson "A Memorable Event" is about Charlie Chaplin. Yesterday Mr. Chang (張文和老師) asked me to lend him the DVD "Modern Times" next Monday. I hardly remembered I had that DVD. However, last night I found it in a pile of DVDs in the living room. I remember five years ago when I taught that lesson, I used "City Lights." But where is the DVD now? There is no trace of it.

2009年11月20日 星期五

As an Instructor of a Speech Contestant

Yesterday evening, on my way out of school, I saw two posters congratulating Shihjen's good performance in the speech contest and thanking me for helping her prepare for it. Here, with my fingers running on the keyboard, I'd like to recall what I did as an instructor of a speech contestant.

2009年11月19日 星期四

2009年11月17日 星期二

What If the Students Don't Respond to Questions?

When no students answer my question, I play a game which decides who has to answer the qeustion, and at the same time gets the students to exercise. The game is called "The Big Cross" (大十字). Here is how it goes:

2009年11月16日 星期一

Learning to Speak English

While I was surfing the Net this evening, I bumped into this article.  It's about problems in speaking English and the solutions.


 如何會講英文By 李家同

2009年11月15日 星期日

Set Them Free from Math

The following is a commentary on NTU's decision not to count math in the admission of students to its  Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

我的文史夢 籠罩數學陰影


聯合報╱林宛萱/大學生(高雄市)】2009.11.15 03:49 am

2009年11月13日 星期五

Congratulatiolns, 214!

This afternoon, the result of the campus decoration competition came out. Class 214 got the first prize. They deserve it. The time they spent and the efforts they put into the work. I'm really happy that they decided to do it. Though it was taken down this afternoon, the beauty stays in every viewer's heart and every photo taken with it.

Click on the links, and you know what I mean.



2009年11月9日 星期一

22nd School Founding Anniversary--Part III: Garden Party

At the garden party, my Class 214 sold sausage, noodles, and soft drinks. Class 209 sold food and offered a water-ballooning game. They were tired, but had a good time, I believe.


2009年11月7日 星期六

22nd School Founding Anniversary--Part I: the Ceremony


Today is NHSH's 22nd anniversary. A ceremony was held in the activity center. The faculty who had served at NHSH for 15 or more years were awarded with a gift. Then some VIPs delievered a short address. After that came 4 performances by school clubs. Here are some photos taken at the ceremony.  With a click on a photo, you can enlarge it.

2009年11月5日 星期四

A Word Guessing Game


Ali's class Ali's class Ali's class

One activity my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) did in class was a word guessing game. Having finished Unit 7 this morning, she had the class play this game. The students were divided into groups of 5 to 6 to have a group discussion about how to say a word in another way or its association.

2009年11月4日 星期三

Decorating the Campus

214 decorating campus


Today I stayed in school with some of my Class 214 students until around 8pm. They were working on the campus decoration for the school founding anniversary on Saturday. The topic is a mermaid swimming a race. The idea of bringing the sea creature to land is simply lovely.

2009年11月3日 星期二

Breaking with Convention

In today's class, when coming across the phrase "break with convention" in Lesson 7, I asked Class 209, "How can an English teacher break with convention when teaching English?" The students' answers were by using movies, songs, and games in class. The last two are easy for me. However, not a moviegoer, I seldom bring movies into the classroom. Maybe I should watch more movies.

2009年11月2日 星期一

Bringing Movies into Class

Today my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) taught 214 for the second time. Speaking fluent English and appearing calm, she looked quite experienced.

2009年11月1日 星期日

Things Learned from UDN High School English Writing Class

English writing gives many high school students a headache. UDN offered an English writing course, and yesterday was the last day of the class. In the following UDN news report, some students talked about what they learned from the course.


 高中英文作文 結業收穫多
