2015年6月15日 星期一

"The 24 Best Parts About Being A Teacher"--from BuzzFeed

The following webpage is recommended by I Simply Love to Share, an FB group set up by Sarah Yin (殷彩鳳老師). Click the link to enjoy lovely photos for each point.


The 24 Best Parts About Being A Teacher

“Children are all so unique, and being able to watch them grow and progress every day is the best feeling in the world.”

posted on  Mar. 5, 2015, at 10:53 p.m.

Logan Rhoadess

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the best part about being a teacher. Here are some of our favorite results:

1. That “oooooh” look on a student’s face when they finally get a concept.

My comments: Totally agreed! I remember vividly how Ming-kun (李明錕), the student whose wedding I attended last Saturday, looked when saying "Excellent" after I answered him a grammar question. 

2. The knowledge that I’m playing a little part in shaping a (hopefully) better future.

My comments: This is what makes teaching a rewarding job.

3. Every day is different.

My comments: Even though the content of a lesson is the same, different classes give different feedback. Different students come to ask different qustions or share different personal stories.

4. Seeing a child blossom right before your eyes.

5. All the funny comments/compliments I get.

My comments: I'd even kept the notepads before the cleaning-up of my apartment on which students left funny messages when I was not in the office. 

6. The daily hugs and high fives.

My comments: Giving hugs is what I'm good at.

7. When the worst student in class finally has a break and behaves well for the whole day!

My comments: In my mind, there is no "worst" student.

8. All the ridiculous things my kids say.

9. The priceless stories I get to share with my friends.

My comments: This is also one of my favorite parts. I used to give students a lot of stories, especially inspiring ones. I shared some of them in class and some through handouts. 

10. Receiving random gifts from the kids.

My comments: A card with a few lines is the best gift. Recently, I've received some postcards from former students who were abroad. How I love them!

11. When a student identifies your class as a place they feel safe. That might mean it’s a place where they can escape tumultuous home lives, or it’s a place where they aren’t afraid to take risks, but either way it’s a great feeling.

12. When former students come back to see you because they care about you as much as you care about them.

My comments: This often happened at NHSH.

13. Seeing the kids helping one another, both academically and socially, is so gratifying.

My comments: Surely!

14. When students are excited about what you’re teaching and want to show their work off to the world because they’re so proud of it.

15. Seeing a kid smile because you made them feel special.

My comments: Once a student wrote only three words in the card his class gave me, with words from every student: "You know me." That made my day!

16. Being the catalyst for change and growth.

17. That moment when a wonderful idea comes to your mind and you expand on a topic with great discussions and they can’t wait to learn more.

18. The best part about teaching is that I can add my own personal “quirks” plus the quirks of my students within the content I teach.

My comments: This often made the class burst into laughter.

19. Knowing that kids feel comfortable coming to me to talk makes all of the other negative aspects of the job not seem so bad.

My comments: I love to listen.

20. Seeing the strategies, whether it be academic or behavioral, being used successfully.

21. When someone you have taught comes back years later and says, “you inspired me to be a teacher.”

My comments:Kurt (杜尚諭), a student I taught at Chiehshow who is now teaching math at cram school told his classes I was the reason why he wanted to be a teacher. This is one of the best compliments I've ever received.

22. Watching students grow and mature.

23. Developing friendships with my students that continue after they leave my class.

24. And the fact that being a teacher is never boring.

My comments: For now, I'd like to add one point: 25. When I am invited to my students' weddings.

