2015年6月19日 星期五

Learning English Through Games--"「課本收起來!」國姓生玩遊戲學英語"--from UDN



2015-06-18 11:27:41      聯合報 記者陳妍霖/國姓報導


My comments: Sometimes I used a soft ball or a stuffed toy in class. Whoever had the ball in hand got the  right to answer a question.


My comments: Years ago, after a neighbor girl, then a senior high school student, came back to Taiwan from her study tour in the States during summer vacation, she told me she was very surprised and even shocked to find reading taught in a complete different way in the States. Instead of the teaching/learning of vocabulary and grammar in class, there was a lot of discussion about the content of the text.


My comments: Students are having fun! However, when studying at UOI, I once argued with a good friend over learning English through games. I told her that I, then a teacher in junior high school, used a lot of games in class, but she didn't quite agree it was recommendable. In her opinion, if students learned only when there were games to play, they would stop learning when there were no more games. Further studies became more serious and could not be learned by playing games, she added. My response to her comments was: Once students' interest was aroused, they would go on learning whether there were games or not.




My comments: As a teacher, I loved games. I remember how students competed to answer questions in English because they wanted to win a carton of milk for each member of their team. Sometimes, I threw candies to individual students as a reward for speaking English.



