2015年5月28日 星期四

Tasks for Learning Phonics

Today, while doing the cleaning, I found a handout I made for a speech on teaaching phonics years ago. In the second section is a list of tasks for learning phonics. Among others, here are ten tasks:

1. Listen to each word and circle the initial letter.

E.g. Students hear “bad,” and they circle “b” among “b, d, p.”

2015年5月27日 星期三

Why Classical Music?--"為什麼比起「冰雪奇緣」,芬蘭的幼稚園老師反而比較喜歡給小朋友聽「艱澀」的古典音樂?"--from Business Weekly



撰文者凃翠珊   2015-05-18


2015年5月25日 星期一

Taiwanese Traditional Wedding, a Chinese Lesson

The following video presents a Chinese lesson on a Taiwanese traditional wedding. In the first half of the film, the teacher Peggy Lee introduces the wedding mostly in Chinese, with both Chinese and English subtitles. In the last half, she teaches some Chinese terms in English, for example, 新郎 (groom), 新娘 (bride), 老公 (husband, hubby), etc.


2015年5月23日 星期六

A Picture Can Paint a Thousand Words--"聯絡簿畫插圖 麻辣師好酷"--from UDN

Part of my blog is a collection of ideas of not only English learning/teaching but teaching in general, meant to spark more beautiful moments in education. The following is an example. To see the pictures, please click the link.


聯絡簿畫插圖 麻辣師好酷

2015-05-23 08:18:09      聯合報 記者吳思萍/台北報導


My comments: Each great achievement starts with good will.

2015年5月22日 星期五

閱卷試務難度高 英聽應獨立設科測驗


閱卷試務難度高 英聽應獨立設科測驗

2015-05-18 01:31:26      聯合報 王延煌/高中校長(南投市)



2015年5月21日 星期四

Misunderstanding Caused by Language--"監考手冊語言癌 難怪英聽大烏龍"--from UDN


監考手冊語言癌 難怪英聽大烏龍


2015-05-19 01:35:29      聯合報


2015年5月20日 星期三

12 Kinds of Food That Don't Need to Be Stored in the Refrigerator--"12種不需要放進冰箱冷藏的食物"

There's really much to learn, which makes life intriguing.



2015-05-12 13:30:00



2015年5月19日 星期二

Inspiration from TOMS--"盛治仁/找到良善初衷 做有影響力的事"--from UDN


盛治仁/找到良善初衷 做有影響力的事

2015-05-16 01:19:33      聯合報 盛治仁(雲朗觀光集團總經理)


My comments: It was a pity that I didn't go to his speech. I had known the great story about him and written on it for a test.


2015年5月18日 星期一

"Set Them Free, And They Can Fly"--劉謙魔術人生 因父母「捨得」--from UDN


劉謙魔術人生 因父母「捨得」

2015-05-18 01:31:26      聯合報 涂順振/私立高中校長(屏縣內埔)


2015年5月17日 星期日


I got a LINE message from Chris this evening. She asked me what I'm going to wear to my son's wedding. In her message, I learend a new word chignon. In fact, I correctly guessed the meaning from the context: "Something very Chinese,  with your hair in a chignon?" Something very Chinese refers to chipao, and the image of a lady in a chipao immediately explained the meaning of the word "chignon."

This is why reading helps expand one's vocabulary.

Chignon in Wikipedia:



2015年5月16日 星期六

The Positive Side

When arranging the tables for my son's wedding banquet, we found it hard to have every table shared by people who already know one another. Most people would wish to sit with their friends; however, sharing a table with strangers is not that bad. It is a good chance to get to know new friends, isn't it?

2015年5月15日 星期五

When One Is in His Element--"生活見聞/放牛班也有春天"--from UDN



2015-05-14 09:01:33      聯合報 蘇玉山(新竹市)



2015年5月14日 星期四




2015-05-14 06:00

◎ 呂禮詩



2015年5月13日 星期三

A Touching Moment

Just five minutes ago, I got a phone call from Dao-ching, a former NHSH student who is graduating from university this coming June. He told me he had been admitted to graduate scchool at Soochow University, still majoring in accounting. Besides, he has also got a job and his bosss said he is welcome to work in the company after getting his master's degree.

2015年5月12日 星期二

A Lesson Taught Doesn't Mean a Lesson Learned--"學會比學完重要 減法教學救落後生"


學會比學完重要 減法教學救落後生

2015-05-12 12:46:30      聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導


2015年5月11日 星期一

Step by Step

My son is getting married on May 30. Recently we've been busy preparing for the wedding. Sometimes my husband feels he is pressed for time, but I tell him, "Step by step, we'll get everything done."

2015年5月9日 星期六

Take Care of Your Mood

A sister-in-law on my husband's side is sick and staying in hospital. This afternoon, a few hours after the whole family paid her a visit, her caretaker LINEd me a message: "Your sister-in-law's illness comes from her negative thoughts."

2015年5月8日 星期五

Flip, Parents--"周行一/翻轉吧,父母"--from UDN



2015-05-07 01:46:27      聯合報 周行一(國立政治大學校長)


2015年5月7日 星期四

When You Are Not Forced To

Last night before I slept, I browsed FB very quickly, for less than 5 minutes. The first post I saw was from a former colleague who is still teaching. She sounded very angry mentioning a piece of sad news about a junior high school teacher who died from cerebral hemorrhage the day before yesterday.

2015年5月6日 星期三

A Gathering with Gina & My Handouts on Paragraph Writing

This evening, I had a gathering with Gina, a former student I taught from 2008 to 2009. She is going to teach English at a cram school and humbly asked if I could suggest some teaching tips.

2015年5月5日 星期二

American Idioms, a Column in The Students Post

There's a lot of good stuff in old newspapers. Other than what I posted in the previous entries. Here's another informative column in The Student Post, "American Idioms." The following was dated September 25, 1994.

American Idioms

By Joseph Liebermon

Stop cold

2015年5月4日 星期一

Learning English can be a fun part of life

Here's another article from The Student Post, dated September 25, 1994. From a different column, "Yours Truly, Jenny."

Dear Jenny,

I like your answers in The Student Post every Sunday. Like all students who are learning English, I always have problems with vocabulary. When I learn a new word, I forget it five minutes later. I try to write it down on a small piece of paper I carry with me. When I have time, I take it out, read it aloud or try to use it in a sentence. But this doesn't seem useful. I still have a lot of difficulty using words. Can you tell me how to improve?

2015年5月3日 星期日

A very good English teacher that I know

The following is the column "Campus Voice" in the Student Post dated July 12, 1998, almost 16 years ago.

A very good English teacher that I know

To the editor:

All the English teachers I had before senior high school gave me the impression that English teaching is focused mainly on a tedious one-way practice pattern. Teachers lecture and students listen.

However, Andy, one of my English teachers in high school, altered my views on English teaching. He taught in an interesting, creative and original way.

2015年5月2日 星期六

Gems of Wisdom

This past Wednesday night, when I was driving home from my furniture shopping, I heard very soothing words on the radio.

The host was interviewing a lady who had probably published a book about getting married. The lady said, "Most women want to be a perfect bride. But this thought often drives them crazy. Well, why do we need to get a 100? Getting an 80 is good enough."

2015年5月1日 星期五

Bad Eyesight Vocabulary--from VoiceTube

A VoiceTube lesson about bad eyesight, which is useful to Chinese English learners. Among others, it presents a 9'45" video, in which the teacher teaches some bad eyesight vocabulary words in a vivid way.


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