2014年10月31日 星期五

Keeping Busy after Retirement--女性臉譜/到處奔波的退休生活--from UDN


2014.10.31 03:38 am


2014年10月30日 星期四

Trip to an Antique Store

Along with Mr. Lin and some old colleagues, I visited an antique store opened by Mr. Dai, a retired teacher from NHSH. I was amazed at the power of accumulation and passion!

2014年10月29日 星期三

Connected by Music

Yesterday evening, invited by my g0dmother Mrs. Chen and my aunt, also an old colleague, Ms. Hung, my friends and I went to the concert with the theme of "Bohemian Masters" at the National Recital Hall. The program of the concert included Bedrich Smetana's "Moldau" from My Father Land, for piano four hands arranged by the composer, Bohuslav Martinu's First Piano  Quartet, H. 287, and Atonin Dvorak's Piano Quintet in A Major, Op. 81.

2014年10月28日 星期二

"Making Connections to Improve EL Reading Comprehension"--from TESOL Blog


Making Connections to Improve EL Reading Comprehension

Posted on 23 October 2014 by Judie Haynes

In my last blog, I talked about Reading Workshop and how well comprehension strategies work for English learners (ELs). Books such as Mosaic of Thought (Keene and Zimmerman, 2007), Reading with Meaning (Miller 2012), and Strategies That Work (Harvey and Goudvi 2007) demonstrate the comprehension strategies that good readers use when they interact with text. When I first learned about Reading Workshop, I spent a lot of time with a classroom teacher who used these strategies, and  I adapted them for my ELs. By using the same strategies and terminology as my mainstream colleagues, I could better support the reading instruction taking place in the general education classroom where many ELs spend most of their day.

2014年10月27日 星期一

Adverbial "-ever" Clause vs. Nominal "-ever" Clause

A former colleague who is still teaching called me the day before yesterday and asked me a question: How can we help learners to easily distinguish the advervial "-ever clause" from the nominal one? For example:

1. Whatever you do, I'll love you forever.

2. Whatever you do is fine with me.

2014年10月26日 星期日

The Essence of Education Reform--"推動以「教學」而非「升學」為主旨的教改"--from UDN


2014.10.26 02:20 am


My comments: Yes, only education can raise these kids up to a better life. 

2014年10月25日 星期六

How to Improve Listening Skills--"英聽怎麼練? 每個單字要會念"--from UDN


英聽怎麼練? 每個單字要會念



My comments: Shadowing is a good way to improve listening in English.

2014年10月24日 星期五

Six Websites to Search for Authentic English--"還在用Google翻譯?6個超強網站讓你查到最道地的英文"



有時候光是看課本、講義、武功祕笈、他人筆記、網路文章等等,仍然想知道道地的native speaker到底怎麼怎麼說或寫嗎?來學學使用語料庫吧!

2014年10月22日 星期三

把事做好 就不用擔心未來


亞大場/劉麗珠:把事做好 就不用擔心未來



2014年10月21日 星期二

Falling Behind in the Beginning Doesn't Mean You'll Never Reach the Finish Line--尋路的旅程 不必贏在起跑點


亞大場/尋路的旅程 不必贏在起跑點

記者洪敬浤、喻文玟╱台中報導  20141017



My comments: Attitude counts.

2014年10月20日 星期一

Seeking Your Career--不斷接觸新的經驗 路就出來了

The day before yesterday, a former student called me a few minutes after I got back home from the trip to Kinmen. She told me she had found a new job, but was not sure if she would like it. During our chat, I suggested some jobs which I thought might be interesting to her; however, she still sounded puzzled about her career.

This morning, I came across this news report while flipping through the newspapers I missed reading due to the trip. Hopefully, it would be helpful to young people who are seeking their career.


不斷接觸新的經驗 路就出來了 

記者洪敬浤、喻文玟╱台中報導    2014/10/17


2014年10月19日 星期日

Xu-Jiang-Xiao-Wo Inscribed Rocks

If I am asked about the 3-day trip to Kinmen, the first thing that flashes into my mind would be Xu-Jiang-Xiao-Wo Inscribed Rocks. Xu-Jiang is another name of Yu Da-yo (1503-1579), a general in the Ming Dynasty. In his free time, he often came to this place to rest or view the ocean. He wrote Xu Jiang Xiao Wo (虛江嘯臥) on the rock, which is behind the pavilion in the picture, meaning he himself shouted and lay here. Afterward, characters were inscribed on the rocks nearby.

2014年10月17日 星期五

Trip to Kinmen--Day 2

Today we spent around four hours in Little Kinmen. We hired a taxi to take us around the island. With a local resident as our driver and tour guide, we visited many a tourist attraction, including Bada Tower, Hujingtou War Museum, and Siwei Tunnel.

2014年10月16日 星期四

Hi, Kinmen

I am in Kinmen. My first time to be here. It took around one hour to fly here from Taipei.

The scenic spots we visited today included  Zhaishan Tunnel (翟山坑道), Wentai Pagoda (文臺寶塔), Xu-Jiang-xiao-wo Inscribed Rocks (虛江嘯臥碣群), etc.

2014年10月14日 星期二

From Junior High Schoolmates to New Friends

"教出滿分生/5老師的魔法 讓作文不再可恨"--from UDN


教出滿分生/5老師的魔法 讓作文不再可恨



2014年10月13日 星期一

Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way--"翻轉教育路 2老師邊說邊飆淚"--from UDN


翻轉教育路 2老師邊說邊飆淚


鄉慢學 在小校 可以因材施教

都會探索 在大校 嘗試需要勇氣


2014年10月12日 星期日

No Winning, No Losing--"王文華/沒有人是「人生勝利組」"--from UDN



2014.10.11 05:40 pm


2014年10月11日 星期六

Being Smart or Wise?--"洪蘭/面對選擇 當聰明人或智者?"--from UDN


洪蘭/面對選擇 當聰明人或智者?
2014.10.09 01:57 am


2014年10月10日 星期五

High School Class Reunion Trip-2

During yesterday's high school reunion trip, I learned a lot, for example, making Chinese snacks, changing gears while driving (Don't laugh even if you know I have driven for more than 20 years!), taking better photos, etc. What impressed me most was the story Mei-chu told us.

2014年10月9日 星期四

2014年10月8日 星期三

外語人才 全球化有新風貌


外語人才 全球化有新風貌
2014.10.08 02:06 am


2014年10月7日 星期二

"Flipping With YouTube"--from TESOL blog


Flipping With YouTube

Posted on 30 September 2014 by Tara Arntsen

Over a year ago, I wrote about The Flipped Classroom here on the TESOL blog, and I would like to revisit the topic since the flipped classroom has really continued to gain popularity in the past several years. It is really a hot topic and something that many educators are interested in learning more about and even trying out.

My comments: Yes, it has hit the headline recently in Taiwan.      

2014年10月6日 星期一

Welcome to NHSH

This noon, I attended a welcoming lunch held by NHSH English teachers. In the above pictures are all the newcomers this semester, three of whom were formally recruited new teachers. some substitutes, and some in their internship. They are young and energetic! I told them teaching is the best job in the world.

2014年10月5日 星期日

Understand Ebola in Three Minutes

Ebola has hit the headline recently. Here are two videos, each of which, one in Chinese and the other in English, helps us get a clearer idea of this dreadful disease.


你該認識但不該害怕,三分鐘看懂伊波拉  20140826

2014年10月4日 星期六

IELTS Writing Samples

The day before yesterday, a former student who is taking an IELTS exam next week asked me to give feedback to three essays he had written. After giving him some correction suggestions, I advised him to read some writing samples. While reading, he had better analyze the organization of each and write an outline so that he can apply the strategies he learns to his writing. Besides, I asked him to read the samples aloud.

Click the link, and you'll find quite a few writing samples provided by IELTS.

2014年10月3日 星期五

"Signspotting around the world: Funny fails"--from CNN

This is interesting, reminding me of a sign I saw in a restaurant at Shanghai World Expo several years ago. It said, "Please slip carefully." Can you figure out the Chinese equivalent?


Signspotting around the world: Funny fails
By Katia Hetter, CNN

October 1, 2014 -- Updated 1451 GMT (2251 HKT)

(CNN) -- As much as we try to communicate clearly, there is much fun to be had when we fail -- and it's never clearer than with signage gone wrong around the world.

2014年10月2日 星期四

On Reading--"「滑世代」閱讀定義 看臉書轉貼文也算閱讀"--from UDN


「滑世代」閱讀定義  看臉書轉貼文也算閱讀

根據「新世代 愛.悅.讀 論壇」所發表的閱讀調查中指出,有高達72.6%的受訪者認為看網路新聞也算閱讀,而有高達65.9%的民眾認為看網路轉貼文章或是臉書訊息也算一種閱讀的形式,顯示「滑世代」深深影響了國人的閱讀習慣。

My comments: Is reading newspapers a form of reading? I read BBC and CNN news on my cellphone.

2014年10月1日 星期三

On Parenting--"廖玉蕙/尊重和誠信的教養觀"--from UDN


2014.10.01 02:39 am


My comments: That's why family education always comes before school education. Even a toddler learns something from his/her parents every day, often only by watching.