2013年3月29日 星期五

A Problem of High School Education in Taiwan--女兒的高三 都在拚學測…


女兒的高三 都在拚學測…

聯合報╱謝東森/國小教師(新北市)】2013.03.29 03:58 am

My comments: I once asked my mother how she brought her five kids up.   Her answer was that she was so busy with the housework then that she just left us alone.  Nowadays, because many people have only one or two children, they put all their focus on taking care of the kid(s). 



My comments: A friend of mine told me her daughter still worked hard on the new courses during the first semester of her third year.  She didn't fail the SAT; instead, she passed the test with flying colors.




My comments: It's true that quite a few high school students learn little new things in the third year.  I would rather there were only one entrance exam in July for high school graduates and that the students had two options--applying for admission to college according to their high scchool performance plus the grades of the entrance exam and an interview, or being directly designated to a proper university based only on the result of the exam.


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