2012年2月4日 星期六

Grading Criteria for English Writing on the 2012 SAT--英文作文 未用書信格式、簽錯名 各扣1分


英文作文 未用書信格式、簽錯名 各扣1分



My comments: I would write about the problems resulting from my friend's obsession with video games in the first paragraph and give advice in the second. If the examinees have the idea of unity, or "one paragraph, one topic," they won't have problems with the organization.


My comments: If I were the testee, I would have spent the time writing a few lines in very simple English rather than copying the reading passage. I believe I would get at least 5 points. That would be much better than a zero.

有的考生則因對書信格式不熟悉被扣分。賴惠玲說明,第一行左上以「Dear Barbie/Ken」開頭,第二行開始內文,最後一行署名「Sincerely yours, Jill/Jack」,但有考生忘記空一行,內文接著稱謂寫,也有考生未使用規定的署名,冒出非規定的「Daniel」等名字,或把朋友和自己的姓名寫反,這些都要扣分。

至於中譯英和國片有關,不少考生在「movie」或「film」的單字上常忘記複數型,也有不少考生直接按照中文詞序翻譯,例如台灣製作的影片應翻成「movies/films produced in Taiwan」,但有考生卻翻成「Taiwan makes movies」。

My comments: Generally speaking, a modifying phrase comes after the noun. Verbs cannot be used to modify nouns; they have to be tranformed into a participle.

此外,「受到國際的重視」翻譯應為「have attracted international attention」;「拍攝這些電影的地點」譯成英文時的關係子句及被動語態應是「the locations where these films were shot」,與中文有差異,都會影響考生得分。

My comments: By reading extensively, students will be familiar with these important English sentence patterns.

