2010年3月14日 星期日

Have Fun!--張明正回母校 勉學弟「have fun」

While I was browsing the UDN website for some good "food for thought," this title caught my eye. I remember very well KK's words to my class, Class 313, about 5 years ago--Have fun! I like these uplifting words, indeed.


張明正回母校 勉學弟「have fun」

【聯合報╱記者劉星君/屏東縣報導】 2010/03/14

了解自己、做最好的自己!」屏東高中校友、趨勢科技創辦人張明正昨天回到母校與學弟們對談,他從「抓電腦病毒談到越南種樹」,鼓勵學生做事態度「have fun」才有創新;學生聽完演講後覺得是收獲滿滿,「對未來目標更明確」。

My comments: When KK gave my class the words "have fun" in response to a student's request for some last words from him at the end of his talk, I was a little worried at first, thinking that the students would only like fun things from then on. However, KK immediately explained that by the two words, he meant having fun in doing what one was doing, for example, having fun studying, having fun playing, having fun learning a skill, etc. Then I fell in love with the words, which later became Class 313's motto.


「一切都要好玩,大家要一起玩!」張明正說,看似簡單回味高中照片,不如讓台下一起參與,就是「have fun」,才有創新。此外,別忘理論基礎才能訂定遊戲規則。

My comments: Challenging the audience always brings fun to a speech.


「找到自己的獨特性」張明正說,45歲以前他為別人而活,45歲後,他決定不再做賺錢的事,要做不一樣「have fun」又能利他。他到越南種樹,將不可能轉為可能,幫助當地窮人,讓他們賺錢自給自足,善盡企業社會責任。


