2010年3月31日 星期三

Class 214 Homepage

Finally, my homeroom Class 214 has their class homepage. It was set up by Hsin-yu (張昕妤), with the help of Tze-ying (周芷瑩) and Hsuei-ling (廖雪伶). Sweet!


2010年3月30日 星期二

9 "Brain Foods"

Want to boost your brainpower? An article in the April issue of Common Health Magazine (康健) lists 9 "brain foods" as follows:




2010年3月29日 星期一

List of Past College Admission Interview Questions Recalled by NHSH Students

Here are some past college admission interview questions for those who would like to major in English or other foreign languages. They were recalled by students who graduated form NHSH. Very valuable information. Since I spent quite a while collecting and typing the questions up, I'd like to share so that more people can benefit from the list.

2010年3月28日 星期日

Common College Admission Interview Questions

For tomorrow's mock interview held for those who are applying for earlier admission to English Department at different universities, I collected quite a few past questions. Here are some common ones:

1. Give a one-minute self-introduction.

2. Why do you want to major in English?

2010年3月27日 星期六

Earth Hour

Today is 2010 Earth Hour Day. Those who are interested in this activity can visit the web:


To respond to "Earth Hour," you have the lights off from 8:30 to 9:30 this evening. "Small actions will make big changes," as its theme goes.

2010年3月26日 星期五

Some Tips on Giving an Impressive Interview--熟練基本題 可對鏡子多練習

Next Monday, I'm going to conduct a mock interview with five candidates for different universities. Three of them are applying to the Department of Japanese at different universities, one that of Spanish, and the other English.

Yesterday, the UDN ran the following article, which provides good tips for a successful interview.


熟練基本題 可對鏡子多練習



2010年3月25日 星期四

How to Write an Autobiography--自傳寫重點 當心膨風被抓包

This article is intended for those who are applying for admission to college. It happens that my current students are required by their dear Chinese teacher Ms. Lin (林雅婷老師) to write their autobiography so that they can use it next year. Hopefully, this article is helpful to them.


自傳寫重點 當心膨風被抓包


2010年3月24日 星期三

"Make Yourself a Blessing to Someone..."

Here is a quote I found in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II (p. 98):

"Make yourself a blessing to someone. Your kind smile or pat on the back just might pull someone back from the edge."

--Carmelia Elliot

2010年3月23日 星期二

Show Time


This semester, each student still has to give an oral report. They can either give a summary of an article in their reading book or talk on a topic they like.

2010年3月20日 星期六

Good 2010 SAT Essays

 The CEEC has put 20 good 2010 SAT essays on its website, including ten Chinese ones and ten English ones, with comments for each. 


2010年3月18日 星期四

Self-discipline. Can It Be Taught?

This afternoon, when I was keying in at the computer desk some practice questions for the Q & A section of the GEPT intermediate level, a colleague sitting opposite me told me she had been wondering why some students, after 10 years of education, were still late for school. It seemed to her that quite a few students just waited to be disciplined.

2010年3月17日 星期三

About Earlier Admission to College--準備甄試必勝技 專家獻策

Though my students are only in their second year, they will need this information next year. Hopefully, they will find this helpful.


準備甄試必勝技 專家獻策


2010年3月14日 星期日

Have Fun!--張明正回母校 勉學弟「have fun」

While I was browsing the UDN website for some good "food for thought," this title caught my eye. I remember very well KK's words to my class, Class 313, about 5 years ago--Have fun! I like these uplifting words, indeed.


張明正回母校 勉學弟「have fun」

【聯合報╱記者劉星君/屏東縣報導】 2010/03/14

2010年3月13日 星期六

On Death Penalty

In today's UDN, two articles taking different sides on the death penalty issue are run on different pages. Quite interesting. From the titles, you can have a clear idea who takes which side. Before reading them, you must have taken one side. After you read both, see if you will be influenced by their arguments.


星雲:造因不受果報 不合天理 


A Pride of NHSH

On weekends, she doesn't go to cram school; instead, she worked part-time to help support her family. Now, she has been admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Chiao Tung University. Here is her story:


假日端茶水 繁星上交大
2010.03.13 03:03 am

2010年3月12日 星期五

Be Humble. Be Helpful

This is a news report about a speech made by Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi (單國璽) to students at a senionr high school in Tainan. According to the March issue of Reader's Digest, Mr. Shan is one of the most trusted individual in Taiwan; the other four are Master Cheng Yen, Li Chang Yu, Ang Lee, and Lin Hwai-Min.


單國璽:知識大海前 要更謙卑


2010年3月11日 星期四

Discussion on a Current Issue

This morning, at the very beginning of class, I had Classes 214 and 209 read a short passage from The Taipei Times as follows:

2010年3月10日 星期三

Oral Reports

This semester, the students still need to give a 5-minute oral report in turn. However, instead of giving a summary of an article they read in our reading book, they can talk about anything they like. Besides, they signed up for the date they'd like to give their talk.

2010年3月9日 星期二

Look Beyond a Comfortable Life--洪蘭:年輕人 不要只求溫飽

年輕人 不要只求溫飽

作者:洪 蘭  出處:天下雜誌 441期 2010/02


2010年3月8日 星期一

Ken's Visit & the Strait Talk Symposium


This morning, Ken (王慶剛), a former student who now is a senior at National Chengchi University double-majoring in journalism and English, paid me a visit. He told me he had three pieces of big news to share. The first one is he has been selected as one of the five delegates of Taiwan to participate in the Strait Talk Symposium, which will be held at Berkeley University from April 2 to 10. To be selected, he had to answer some questions on the application form and be interviewed by someone at Berkeley through Skype. Good for him! During the symposium, the five delegates from Taiwan will talk face-to-face with the five delegates from mainland China and five from the USA.

2010年3月7日 星期日

To Go for Further Studies, Or Not To?

While I was searching at the UDN website for an article on the importance of cultivating children's kind hearts, I came across this good article.




2010年3月6日 星期六

How to Score High on the SAT or UEE?--學測滿級分 靠的是認真

民意論壇/學測滿級分 靠的是認真




2010年3月5日 星期五

A Song That Tells a Story

Unit 2 "The Chain of Love" in Book 3 is a touching story. Though it's a self-study lesson, I still had students read it in class, in the hope that they bear the idea of love in mind all their life.

First, the students sat back and read the story silently. Next, I handed out the lyrics of the song "The Chain of Love" with some words missing. Since the song was written based on the story, the students could figure out most of the missing words if they knew what the story is about. Then the students discussed in groups. Finally, they listened to the song to see if they got the right words.

The following is the song sung by Clay Walker. It's amazing that someone could have written this song to tell such a touching story.


I have to thank Julie (陳育萱老師) and Chris (林詠梅老師) for sharing this song.

2010年3月4日 星期四

A Way to Make a Summary

In today's class, I had Class 214 and Class 209 read an article on time management for 2 minutes. Then they gave a summary orally. After that, I told them a way to make a summary is to tell the main idea in the first sentence followed by the main point from each paragraph. Take today's article for example. They can start their summary with "This article is about time management," and then summarize the body with "It suggests three ways to manage study time: prioritization, planning, and using time management tools."

2010年3月2日 星期二

About Mingkun's Speech

This afternoon, in the first 8 minutes, I asked Class 209 to write down whatever they remembered about or learned from Mingkun's speech last Friday. Here is what they mentioned:


2. 成功背後總有許多努力,每天讀書三小時,對於不在行的科目更加以練習及複習。每個人一天都有24小時,能夠充實的利用且不懈的努力,或許不行也能變成可能。

2010年3月1日 星期一

About Max's Speech

In the first five minutes of today's class, to make sure they did get something from Max's speech last Friday, I had Class 214 write down what they heard or learned from it. The following are some points the students mentioned:

1. 不要怕失敗,去嘗試。

2. 錢不要看太重,去找自己的理想。