2008年10月6日 星期一

英語看圖說故事比賽注意事項 --Words from Brandon Bryant after the speech contest

This afternoon the school held the annual English contest, story-telling for the freshmen, picture-telling for the juniors, and composition for the seniors. I was a judge for the picture-telling contest. We had a guest judge from Studio Classroom, Mr. Brandon Bryant.

After the contest, Mr. Bryant was invited to give some comments. He was very encouraging by saying "Good job to everyone on using English" and by telling the students their English is better than his Chinese.

Then he suggested a few things to think about:

1. Be confident. Don't be afraid of using English.

2. Make sure you make eye contact with your audience.

3. When memorize your speech, don't memorize word for word; instead, memorize the concept, the general idea.

4. Be sure that you don't make your story too short or too long.

Besides, he offered two tips on learning English:

1. Practice with your friends.

2. Never quit. Keep going. Persevere.

