2015年10月10日 星期六

Hong-yin & Pu-wei's Wedding

Time: 6pm, Oct. 10, 2010

Place: Brother Hotel, Taipei

This evening I attended my deceased former colleague's (羅珊 老師) daughter's wedding. When Hong-yin's father asked me a few months ago if it was ok to invite some NHSH colleagues, I said it would definitely be our honor to be at the wedding. We would be happy to witness one of the happiest moment of our dear friend's daughter's life.

(With Chris, also Losan's colleague)


(Some of Losan's students were invited too. Hsiao-yuan is one of them. I taught her in her first year of high school.)

This evening's photographers


Before the wedding, with colleagues

Bride and groom, after ring exchange, showing the rings.


Bride and groom with their parents


