2014年2月13日 星期四

2014 Lunar New Year Reunion of NHSH Retired Teachers

Today from 10am to 12pm, we NHSH retired teachers had our annual Lunar New Year reunion. A teacher even came from Huwei (虎尾). Quite touching! This is the second time I have attended such reunion. Since Mr. Chen (陳世祿老師) could not join us, I took over his mission as the photographer. Altogether I took around 500 photos and picked about 170 for Ms. Hsu (徐慰筠老師) to upload to the NHSH website. At the reunion, our former principal Mr. Lin (林煇校長) said the three most important things for us now are to be healthy, safe and sound, and happy.  Yes, after contributing more than 25 years to education, all the teachers deserve all these--health, peace, and happiness.

Chairman and host Ms. Huang (黃明鐘老師)

NHSH current principal (吳正東校長)


NHSH 1st principal Mr. Lin (林煇校長)

NHSH 2nd principal Mr. Yeh (葉文堂校長)

Former Chairperson Ms. Lee (李碧月老師)









