2014年2月27日 星期四

Windows Movie Maker

As English teachers, we can get a lot of online resources to use in the classroom and present real world English to our students. However, we don't have plenty of time to play all the audio or video materials in class. We need to select relevant clips. and that's where sound- or video-editing software comes to play. This morning, I learned to duplicate clips from a movie and save them in my computer. Following the instructions step by step offered by the website listed below, I made it.  Merci beaucoup!

1. How to download Windows Movie Maker

2014年2月25日 星期二

2014年2月24日 星期一

Audacity--Free Software to Edit Sound Files

This later afternoon, I learned to use Audacity, a free software to edit sound files. The first hours' try was quite frustrating. I tried my best to learn from the written tips online and a YouTube instructional video, only to fail again and again. Then I had no choice but to LINE my young former colleague Regina (鄭卉含) for help. She nicely called me and taught me patiently while she was on the bus from work. But I still couldn't work it out. During the process, however, I came to understand how easy it was to locate the part I want. The blank between the sound waves indicates the pause! This is so obvious! How could I not have had the sense? For this, I thanked Regina profusely! Haha! After hanging up, I kept figuring out where the problem was. Then with a stroke of luck, I made it!

Crying for Joy Seminars in Japan--CNN Video

These seminars in Japan are intended to help people release their stress through crying, which leads them to smile at the end. Quite interesting!

Sochi's Farewell--CNN Video

English Glossary of NHI (National Health Insurance)Terms

How do you say "二代健保" in English? 

2014年2月22日 星期六

Happy English Club (中華民國快樂英語協會)

Today while I was doing some reading for a mission I'm going to complete in March, I learned about seven English clubs in Taiwan from the Cheers magazine (2013.3.1). Among them I'd only known Toastmaster. Happy English Club is one of the new.

2014年2月21日 星期五

A Touching Story--"Photo of Officer Giving Boots to Barefoot Man Warms Hearts Online"--from New York Times

This morning, after I read an article about this touching story in the UDN, I searched for the story online and found this.

The news story contains only  675 words, so could be finished in 2-3 mintues, depending on your reading speed. Read it and be touched.


Photo of Officer Giving Boots to Barefoot Man Warms Hearts Online

By   Published: November 28, 2012

On a cold November night in Times Square, Officer Lawrence DePrimo was working a counterterrorism post when he encountered an older, barefooted homeless man. The officer disappeared for a moment, then returned with a new pair of boots, and knelt to help the man put them on.

2014年2月20日 星期四

Tips on Learning English--外語系教授 從生活中苦讀出頭


外語系教授 從生活中苦讀出頭

中國時報【林志成╱台北報導】  2014.2.4


2014年2月19日 星期三

2014年2月18日 星期二

.S. photographer John Stanmeyer wins World Press Photo of the Year--from CNN

This is the World Press Photo of the Year 2013.


A larger version can be seen on this webpage:


Three Rules to Spark Learning--a TED Talk (6:30)

A TED speech shared by my friend Annie on her FB page. It's about sparking learning.

2014年2月16日 星期日

Pope Francis talks language of love with couples on Valentine's Day--from CNN

It's been quite a long time since I last posted a news story on my blog. Well, today let's read one as follows.


Pope Francis talks language of love with couples on Valentine's Day
By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

February 14, 2014 -- Updated 1605 GMT (0005 HKT)

A Little Kinder, a Little More Generous, and A Little Warmer--齊邦媛和讀者 激盪出「相逢巨流河」


齊邦媛和讀者 激盪出「相逢巨流河」

2014.02.15 03:25 am

Don't Forget Your Own Dream--李偉文:父母們,別忘了你的夢




My comments: Well, I came across this article when I was browsing online for something related to education. I read it because I care about education in general. How I hope that all parents and all children are happy!

2014年2月15日 星期六

Yes, I Can!--神人!去年八百名 今年滿級分


This is a piece of news shared by my old colleague and friend Candice Lee (李淑慧老師) on her FB page. Quite inspiring! And I have to agree with my teacher Sue, who I came across at a banquet around two weeks ago, that used properly, Facebook is a good means to spread good things. 






My comments: This doesn't always happen, though. Accumulation is still the royal road.

2014年2月14日 星期五

Happy Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival!

It's a coincidence that Valentne's Day and Lantern Festival fall on the same day this year. I'm wondering how often it happens.

On such a special day, a look at the Nantou Sand-Sculpture Art Festival may ooh and awe you. The photos shared by Annie (詹麗馨老師) on her FB page were taken by her son Mr. Bi.

2014年2月13日 星期四

2014 Lunar New Year Reunion of NHSH Retired Teachers

Today from 10am to 12pm, we NHSH retired teachers had our annual Lunar New Year reunion. A teacher even came from Huwei (虎尾). Quite touching! This is the second time I have attended such reunion. Since Mr. Chen (陳世祿老師) could not join us, I took over his mission as the photographer. Altogether I took around 500 photos and picked about 170 for Ms. Hsu (徐慰筠老師) to upload to the NHSH website. At the reunion, our former principal Mr. Lin (林煇校長) said the three most important things for us now are to be healthy, safe and sound, and happy.  Yes, after contributing more than 25 years to education, all the teachers deserve all these--health, peace, and happiness.

2014年2月11日 星期二

EnglishwithStacy--Good Lessons on Spoken English

While I browse the Net for information about English listening skills, I came across EnglishwithStacy at YouTube:


It contains 17 video clips on natural spoken English. For those who want to sound more like a native speaker when speaking English and those who want to understand fast English, this series offers insteresting and useful lessons, all taught by Stacy A. Hagen. In each lesson, she explains the rule(s), demonstrates, and provides practice. I suggest starting with the following one, which is about linking with vowels.

2014年2月10日 星期一

"Amazon 100 books to read in a lifetime"--from CNN

Looking for some English books to read? The Amazon book list may help you.


Amazon 100 books to read in a lifetime

By Dana Sand, Special to CNN

February 7, 2014 -- Updated 2217 GMT (0617 HKT)

(CNN) -- Amazon released its newly curated list of 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime on Tuesday.

My comments: Checking the list, I found I'd read only a few of the books on it.

2014年2月9日 星期日

EnglishCentral, a Website for Sharpening Listening Skills


EnglishCentral is a website a former NHSH student Ching-wei (黃勁惟) recommended to those who want to improve their English listening skills. It contains videos on different topics at three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each video offers four tasks:

2014年2月8日 星期六

Great Banquet, Happy Reunion


This evening I was invited to a banquet held by a publishing company for which Annie (詹麗馨老師) and I wrote quite a few listening exercise books for junior high school students. Surely, I saw my dear friend Annie. As usual, she showered me with gifts: a card and books. Such a sweet generous lady.

2014年2月7日 星期五

My Facebook Lookback Video

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=814450125238737&l=2512069991661881182   (My Facebook lookback video)

Yesterday, after I click the words "clicking here" at the end of the second news story in my entry, I got my ready-made FB lookback video. Amazing! However, I've since been wondering how those posts and pictures were picked. Today, in a UDN article about "FB life in 62 seconds," users gave their comments. Besides the favorable ones, here are two suggestions:

2014年2月6日 星期四

"Your Facebook life in 62 seconds"--from CNN

For the past few days, I have seen four clips of my FB friends' "FB life in 62 seconds." These retrospective slideshows are an innovation of this social network.


Your Facebook life in 62 seconds
By Brandon Griggs, CNN

February 6, 2014 -- Updated 1312 GMT (2112 HKT)

2014年2月5日 星期三

Guang-ren, Long Time No See

Guang-ren, a student I taught for one year at Chieh-Show Junior High School around 30 years ago, came to visit me this late afternoon. He is practicing Chinese medicine in Beijing now. When I taught him, he was just in his first year of junior high. And now he is in his 40s.

The Essence of Education--洪蘭/為什麼以前能教出黑蝙蝠、蔡崇輝?


2014.02.05 03:23 am

2014年2月4日 星期二

"Inside North Korea's Western-funded university"--from BBC

All the courses in this university are taught in English!


Inside North Korea's Western-funded university

By Chris Rogers and Marshall Corwin BBC Panorama

3 February 2014 Last updated at 00:59

In the heart of North Korea's dictatorship, a university - largely paid for by the West - is attempting to open the minds of the state's future elite. The BBC's Panorama has been granted unique access.

2014年2月3日 星期一

Ways to Learn English Listening Skills--FB Forum

(Click the photo to enlarge it.)

On January 4 this year, I opened a forum on my FB page to discuss ways to learn English listening skills. Here's a summary list of the responses, followed by photos of what really happened at the forum. Almost all the responses came from my former NHSH students.

2014年2月2日 星期日

Go figure: Lunar New Year 2014 in numbers--from CNN

This interactive CNN webpage is interesting! Just click on the picture, and you'll see a number and a passage about what the number signifies to the Lunar New Year.


Go figure: Lunar New Year 2014 in numbers

By Hiufu Wong and Jason Kwok, CNN

January 31, 2014 -- Updated 0416 GMT (1216 HKT)

2014年2月1日 星期六

"Whatever happened to the term New Man?"--from CNN

I never knew the term New Man until I came across this CNN article yesterday evening.


Whatever happened to the term New Man?

By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine

30 January 2014 Last updated at 10:24

The New Man was once a radical way to describe a male who wholeheartedly accepted equality in domestic life. But 30 years on, what has happened to the term?