2012年5月5日 星期六

Attitude Is Everything--a Lovely Story

I just opened the book Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen randomly to a page and found on the page an article entitled "Reprogramming Your Mental Computer." The story in the first paragraph is interesting:

"A little boy went out to the backyard to play with a baseball bat and a ball. He said to himself, 'I am the best hitter in the world.' Then he threw the ball up in the air and took a swing at it, but he missed. Without a moment's hesitation, he picked up the ball and tossed it in the air again, saying as he swung the bat, 'I'm the best hitter in all the world.' He swung and missed. Strike two. He tossed the ball up again, concentrating more intensely, even more determined, saying, 'I am the best hitter in all the world!' He swung the bat with all his might. Whiff! Strike three. The little boy laid down his bat and smiled real big. 'What do you know?' he said. 'I'm the best pitcher in all the world!'"

The comments in the second paragraph are insightful:

"Now that's a good attitude! Sometimes you simply have to choose to see the bright side of situations. When things don't work out as you planned, rather than complaining, look for something good in your circumstances. Fill your mind with good thoughts."

Yes. How we perceive things happening to us determines whether we will walk with our heads up or down.

