2015年12月29日 星期二

"I don’t want to..."這樣說很幼稚!3種「孩子氣」句型別再用了


 "I don’t want to..."這樣說很幼稚!3種「孩子氣」句型別再用了

句型1:I’m going to tell my parents/boss/supervisor


(X) Once you have the decision, please let me know. I’m going to tell my supervisor. (一旦你有了決定,請讓我知道,我要去告訴主管。)

(O) Once you have the decision, please let me know. I’ll have to inform my supervisor.( 一旦你有了決定,請讓我知道,我必須稟報主管。)

說明:當你有事需要告知比自己位階高的人士(在家中是父母、職場裡是長官或老闆),最好用inform來取代tell,因為I’m going to tell較像是小孩子跟人吵架要去告狀時的用語。
句型2:I don’t want to (do something)


(X) I don’t want to spend a great deal of money on this research project.(我不想花一大筆錢在這項研究計劃。)

(O) I have decided not to spend a great deal of money on this research project.(我已決定不要花一大筆錢在這項研究計劃。)

說明:「成熟」意味著做決定時不會只憑情緒,更多了理性的考慮。don’t want to只強調「不想」,那是情緒,如能改成have decided not to,就加入了深思熟慮的味道。

My comments: Good point! Students over-use "I (don't) want to..."
句型3:Can I be excused, please?


(X) Can I be excused, please? You may kick off the discussion without me.(拜託,我能去上個洗手間嗎?你可以在我不在時就開始討論。)

(O) I have to go. You may kick off the discussion without me.(我上個洗手間,你可以在我不在時就開始討論。)

說明:開會時想去上廁所,不需要講得太明白,直截了當地說I have to go,對方就能意會,像是在懇求的can I be excused,是美國中、小學生舉手問老師可否暫退的語言,則大可不必了。

My comments: In the U.S., students just leave if they have to go to the restroom. They don't need to interrupt the teacher and tell him/her.

