2015年9月1日 星期二

"Taiwan's ETC system wins 2015 ITS World Congress Industry Award"

This morning, when reading the newspaper, I was attracted by the heading "十年磨一劍 交部:最難的是堅持."

(See http://udn.com/news/story/7314/1158364-ETC%E3%80%8C%E9%A9%9A%E8%B1%94%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E3%80%8D-%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E7%8D%B2%E7%8D%8E )

On the same page was the good news about Taiwan's ETC got recogition from IBTTA and won an award. For people in Taiwan, this is a national pride.

(See http://udn.com/news/story/7314/1158328-台灣之光-ETC獲收費公路奧斯卡)

The following is the same news story reported in English.


Taiwan's ETC system wins 2015 ITS World Congress Industry Award
2015/08/19 23:16:42

Taipei, Aug. 19 (CNA)

Taiwan's electronic toll collection (ETC) system developed by Taipei-based Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co. (FETC) has won the 2015 Intelligent Transport System (ITS) World Congress Industry Award, according to the ITS Taiwan.
The FETC is to send a representative to receive the award at the ITS World Congress to be held Oct. 5-9 in Bordeaux, France.

Combining services offered by the convenience stores around Taiwan and the smart phone app for adding value and responding to inquiries in an efficient manner, the FETC has made the ETC system a main pillar for the development of the intelligent transport system in the nation, the ITS Taiwan said.
Thanks to the radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology, the ETC system has made the electronic toll collection possible while allowing a multilane flow of vehicles on free ways.

Taiwan became the first country in the world to collect all freeway tolls electronically because of the ETC system, when all tolls were collected electronically at the end of 2013.

My comments: Something to be proud of!  I believe every driver and passenger must feel grateful for the convenience the ETC brought.

The ETC system formally began operations in 2006 and was optional until the end of 2013, with ETC booths set up alongside regular toll booths.
By now, the system's usage rate has reached over 94 percent and the toll deduction system has an accuracy of 99.9 percent, the ITS Taiwan said.

Earlier this year the ETC system won an award given by the U.S.-based International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) for its excellent customer service and marketing outreach.

(By Wang Shu-fen and Romulo Huang)




台灣之光 ETC獲收費公路奧斯卡

2015-09-01 03:02:02      經濟日報 特派記者蘇瑋璇/都柏林31日電










行政院長毛治國透過影片歡迎大家到台灣實地考察ETC,順便欣賞台灣風景、體驗美食及熱情民風,「Welcome to Taiwan!」羅瑞加斯笑著說:「我們會的。」


