2015年9月4日 星期五

A Great Afternoon with Two Young People

Time: 2pm, Sep. 4, 2015

Place: Mountin Cafe

Had a great afternoon tea with Hao-tang, a former student who gradauted from NHSH in 2012, and his girlfriend, both of whom are going to their senior year at NTNU this fall, one majoring in physics and the other graphic arts and communications. They shared with me their plan after graduation next year. I encouraged them to pursue what they really love even if they may have to stay in college for one more years.

I'm always more than happy to meet my students' boy- or girlfriend.

P.S.  Chun-ru posted a message on her FB page, along with the photo:

2015/09/04 來之前一直很緊張, 『老師有時候會突然用英文跟你說話。』 我就在心裡想了很多很多可以說的句子, 但事實上我說的第一句話依然出錯。...
『All you do is ask.』 雖然後來也沒有一直講英文, 只是很簡單的聊學業,聊畢業,聊就業, 聊所有突然跳出來的話題, 或者沉默不語,討論這個茶杯的可愛。 想起最後的擁抱, 心裡依然有一股暖流從腳底升起到心口, 跟老師聊天總是像神隱少女中, 千尋跟著那一盞燈,燈還不時回頭等等她, 鵝黃色的步調,毛絨絨的很舒服。 好可惜求學階段沒能成為老師的學生, 但是謝謝你在今天引薦了一位對你而言重要的人給我認識, 關於人生,我確實知道此刻的自己是幸運的。 See More

— with 楊皓棠 and Hsin-jung Lee at Mountain Cafe.

My comments:

Hsin-jung Lee Dear Chun-ru, I was really glad to meet you. Your beautiful heartwarming words in the post suggest your great potential for being a Chinese teacher, and the photo card you designed indicates your talent in graphic arts. Perhaps you can combine these two and create your own special career. Besides, the sparkles dancing in your eyes when you talked about your love for children made me believe you can be a good teacher, an angel not only in Hao-tang's life but also in many others'.



