2013年5月26日 星期日

The Speech Topics for the 2011 "The Selection of Young Delegates of Diplomacy for the Republic of China" Contest

Every year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education hold the contest "The Selection of Young Delegates of Diplomacy for the Republic of China."  The preliminary includes two stages.  At the first stage, each team puts on a 5-minute short play on a specific topic.  For the second stage, each team, given 20 minutes for preparation, delivers a 5-minute group speech on a drawn topic among five topics, which are announced in advance.  The final also comprises  two stages.  The first requires each team to give group performance the same as the first stage of the preliminary and a group speech on the same topic drawn from the three announced beforehand. The second stage is a Q & A session.  The following are the speech topics of the 2012 contest for both the preliminary and the final.


1. 你夢想中的2050為何?你如何逐夢踏實,實現你的夢想?
What dreams do you have for the year 2050? What actions will you take to make your dreams a reality?

2. 為了邁向美好的2050年,我國該如何推行節能、減碳運動?
To strive for a better life in 2050, what should Taiwan do to promote the idea of saving energy and reducing its    carbon footprint?

3.  臺灣經濟奇蹟曾讓世界刮目相看,你認為下一個臺灣奇蹟為何?
Taiwan's economic miracle amazed the world. In your opinion, what will be Taiwan's next miracle?

4. 你認為我國哪種軟實力最具代表性,最值得向國際社會大力宣傳?
Which aspect of soft power best represents Taiwan and most deserves to be promoted in the international community?

5. 身為臺灣人,最值得驕傲的特點或優勢為何?
What makes you most proud to be Taiwanese?

Speech topics for the 2012 final:

一、 外交與經貿
Diplomacy, and the Economy and Trade
二、 臺灣的國際貢獻
Taiwan's Contributions to the International Community
三、 東海和平倡議
East China Sea Peace Initiative


Those who want to know more about this big event can visit http://mofa.pts.org.tw/.

Information and preparation tips can be found in this wonderful article written by Ms. Ning (寧曉君老師), a teacher of TFG High School, in 2004.



