2013年5月27日 星期一

A Man's High School Life at NHSH--高中時代/找回百分百的高中男孩--內湖高中

This article is posted here for those who once studied at the school I taught for 18 years, a school I love as much as TFG, my own high school.


2013.05.23 03:56 am

2013年5月26日 星期日

The Speech Topics for the 2011 "The Selection of Young Delegates of Diplomacy for the Republic of China" Contest

Every year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education hold the contest "The Selection of Young Delegates of Diplomacy for the Republic of China."  The preliminary includes two stages.  At the first stage, each team puts on a 5-minute short play on a specific topic.  For the second stage, each team, given 20 minutes for preparation, delivers a 5-minute group speech on a drawn topic among five topics, which are announced in advance.  The final also comprises  two stages.  The first requires each team to give group performance the same as the first stage of the preliminary and a group speech on the same topic drawn from the three announced beforehand. The second stage is a Q & A session.  The following are the speech topics of the 2012 contest for both the preliminary and the final.

2013年5月25日 星期六

Needs or Wants?--蔡明忠教孩子 分辨想要、需要

Last year, I posted a question on FB: What do you think high schools should include in their curriculum?   Money management is one of the answers.  Today's UDN runs a news story about this topic.  I agree with Mr. Tsai that to differentiate needs from wants is the first step.


蔡明忠教孩子 分辨想要、需要
2013.05.25 03:56 am

2013年5月24日 星期五

Promising Teachers-to-be


This afternoon, at the invitation of Ms. Lin (林麗芬教授), I went to NTNU as the judge for the simulated teacher screening.  

2013年5月23日 星期四

Discover The 90/10 Secret: It Will Change Your Life

Recently, for a special mission, I've been going over the Far East English Reader for Senior High Schools Book 4.  Two days ago, I came to the last lesson "The 90-10 Secret."  Its reading text is super inspiring.  The story given as an example is intereting and successfully conveys the theme.  Out of curiosity, I searched the Net and found the original.


Discover The 90/10 Secret: It Will Change Your Life.

By:  Arlen Busenitz

2013年5月22日 星期三

The day after, tornado survivors tell harrowing stories--CNN News Stroy

As a survivor of the Oklahoma tornadoes said, "You gotta be strong and keep going."  What happened has happened, people who went through the calamity will rebuild their homes.


The day after, tornado survivors tell harrowing stories
By Ashley Fantz and Ed Lavandera, CNN

May 22, 2013 -- Updated 0326 GMT (1126 HKT)

2013年5月21日 星期二

Another News Story about Tornadoes

The more students read, the more they learn.  The news about tornadoes brings the textbook knowledge to life. Besides, the video clips on the news website could evoke students' sympathy for those tornado victims.

After reading the news, students can categorize the tornado-related words they learned in the news by part of speech.


Massive tornado rips through Oklahoma City suburbs

20 May 2013 Last updated at 21:16 GMT

2013年5月20日 星期一

After the storm: 'I thought that lady was gonna die in my truck'_Tornadoes hit North Texas--a CNN News Story

One way to extend students' reading experience is to have them read news related to the topics in their textbook.  For example, Lesson 7 in Far East English Textbook Book 4 is on tornadoes.  Recent news of tornadoes striking North Texas could be a good authentic reading text.  By reading it, students review tornado vocabulary they've learned, which reinforces their memory of the words and shows them the usefulness of those words in real life.

Besides, students can see pictures of disaster scenes and watch videos.

2013年5月19日 星期日

"Down by the Salley Garden"--the Song Version

The poem "Down by the Salley Gardens," which was written by William Butler Yeats and introduced in Lesson 6 in Fast East English Textbook for Senior High School Book 4, has its song version.  A lovely song!  In fact, it is originally an Irish folk song, which Yeats turned into a poem.


Past Teacher Eligibility Tests--教甄檢歷屆試題

Those who are going to take teacher eligibility tests will find this website helpful.




2013年5月18日 星期六

A Good Writing Website: Daily Writing Tips

I just came across this writing website.  It's worth visiting. 


Archives for the 'Writing Basics' Category

The following is an example unit from the site:

10 Tips About Basic Writing Competency
by Mark Nichol

2013年5月15日 星期三

Taiwan News as a Top Story on BBC--Taiwan recalls envoy, suspends hiring over Philippine row


Taiwan recalls envoy, suspends hiring over Philippine row

15 May 2013 Last updated at 04:51 GMT

Taiwan is suspending hiring Filipino workers and recalling its envoy amid a row over the killing of a fisherman.

2013年5月14日 星期二

Different Systems of Education--我把兒子送到美國竟然這樣教育

A photo taken by my high school friend Che, Li (車利).

The following is an article forwarded to me by my dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師).  It can shed some light in Taiwan's education.  Then I found the article have been reposted many times.  It is a pity that the author is anonymous.



2013年5月10日 星期五

An Inspiring TED Talk--Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed

A 5-minute talk that can change your life.  This is mentioned in the April 26 entry of my blog.  It is so inspiring that I decided to put it solo in today's entry.


Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed

Filmed Mar 2011 • Posted Apr 2011 • TED2011

2013年5月8日 星期三

"Rethinking High-Tech Classrooms"--New York Times Article

When cleaning out the old newspapers this morning, I came across this article.  The second half of the last sentence, to me, is the beauty of education.


Rethinking High-Tech Classrooms

Kevin Delaney

聯合報版 (UDN) 的 New York Times Dec 13, 2011

2013年5月7日 星期二

2013年5月6日 星期一

An Interesting Writing Activity

The following is an in-class writing activity used by Ms. Chiu (邱佳琦老師), an NHSH English teacher.

1. Students sit in lines.  Every student gets a piece of paper.

2013年5月5日 星期日

Q&A: H7N9 bird flu--from BBC

How much do you know about H7N9?


Q&A: H7N9 bird flu

By James Gallagher

Health and science reporter, BBC News                                 3 May 2013 Last updated at 14:30 GMT

2013年5月3日 星期五

On 12-Year Compulsory Education--12年國教/讓孩子 學會為自己努力!

12-year compulsory education has been a hot issue recently.  Do you agree with it or not?


12年國教/讓孩子 學會為自己努力!
2013.05.03 09:34 am