2016年2月29日 星期一

The Best Way to a Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach

Tonight Annie called me and among others, we talked about cooking. Annie enjoys preparing food for her family. Yesterday she learned to make sushi from a lady and she posted the step-by-step proceddure on her fb page. Seeing the photos, I recalled a sentence learned from a movie years ago, "If someone can do it, I can do it." I decided to make sushi by the coming Sunday.

It is a blessing for a family to have a mother/wife who loves cooking.


2016年2月28日 星期日

"Forget 'Sit down!' Students now standing up to learn"--from CNN

This is an interesting article. Last week when I was teaching, I had an urge to ask students to stand to learn, though I didn't really do so. They stood only when I had them "read, look up, and say." Since sitting too long is not good for health, perhaps teachers should design some activities in which students stand and move around.

The webpage presents a video in which you can see what the standing desks students use are like.


Forget 'Sit down!' Students now standing up to learn

By Kelly Wallace, CNN

Updated 1259 GMT (2059 HKT) December 10, 2015

Kelly Wallace is CNN's digital correspondent and editor-at-large covering family, career and life. Read her other columns, and follow her reports at CNN Parents and on Twitter.

(CNN)Juliet Starrett and her husband were running the sack race at their children's school field day when they noticed something was wrong -- the kids couldn't get into the sacks.

2016年2月27日 星期六

A Passage from the Book the time keeper

I'm reading a book by Mitch Albom, "the time keeper." A passage on page 8 tickles my heart.

"Try to imagie a life without timekeeping.

You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a scchedule, a calendar, a tie for dinner or a movie.

Get to Read

An article recommended by my good friend Annie (詹麗馨) yesterday.



2015-09-30 16:40


1. 睡前固定安排一小時閱讀

2016年2月26日 星期五

Traffic Light Labeling--Videos

Lesson One is about traffic light labeling, which was introduced by the Food Standards Agency in the UK. After discussing the first four paragraphs, when students get a clear idea about what this system is, I presented two videos so that the students could get a vivid impression of it.

2016年2月24日 星期三

Words Related to Shining: Glitter, Glisten, Gleam, Glint, and Glimmer

This afternoon, students in Class 208 asked me the difference between glitter, glisten, and gleam. Although I gave them my answer, as a non-native English speaker, I was not 100% confident. Here I found an answer online. The webpage includes more words: glint and glimmer.




2016年2月23日 星期二

My First Day of Substitute Teaching

The first day of my four-day substitute teaching. I didn't spend one hour talking to students in English about learning English or life lessons as I used to do when teaching a class for a whole school year, or at least around a month.

2016年2月21日 星期日

On College Education--"周行一/「良心」尚不足以成事"--from UDN



2015-12-04 02:22 聯合報 周行一(國立政治大學校長)


2016年2月20日 星期六

A Friend's Blog of Recipes--"小瑪的天空"



Yesterday on our short trip, Yen-chiu told me she enjoyed cooking. She posted her recipes on her blog so that one day when she passes away, her children can still make the food their mother used to cook for them. This way, they won't really lose their mother. I was touched by her words.

2016年2月19日 星期五

A Day with Friends

(The first gentleman from the left in the back row helped plant the cherry trees around the park.)

Time: 10am~13pm, Feb. 19, 2016

Place: Lohas Park, Neigousi, and Pi-fang's home

Participants: 林必芳, 沈豔秋, 黃將彰, 將彰夫人, and me

Today, though having a bad cold, I still attended the trip to Lohas Park with my junior high schoolmates, because I'm a co-organizer. In fact, I've visited the cherry blossoms in the late afternoon the day before yesterday because I had to get a clear idea of where to meet and the route to the park from the nearest MRT station. Only five had signed up for this trip, and we had a good time.

Locating the Verb of a Sentence

Yesterday I mentioned in my entry the importance of locating the verb of a sentence. Here is an example question Che-wei asked yesterday.

Most of the companies surveyed ________ their growth to marketing and sales strategies.

(A) attributes    (B) attributed   (C) attributing    (D) attribution

2016年2月18日 星期四

Borrowed to Teach Grammar

Time: 7:30pm~8:50pm

Place: MOS Burger, Wende MRT station

After an exhausting day, I went to the appointment with Che-wei (范哲瑋), an NHSH student who graduated in 2011 and who I never taught but got acquainted with just because he was a friend of a student of mine. Late yesterday evening he contacted me via FB Messenger, asking if he could ask me grammar questions on some TOEIC practice tests he'd done by Sunday, when he's going to take the big exam. Surely, I said yes. I once thought to myself, if I were a "book" in a human library, what could I be borrowed for? English grammar, of course.

2016年2月17日 星期三

Monkey Phrases

This year is the year of monkey. This afternoon, while driving, I heard on the radio the host talk about English "monkey phrases." He mentioned three: monkey business, a monkey on one's back, and monkey around.

Curious about more monkey phrases, I checked online and find nine at Oxford Dictionaries:


Guesss what phrases are listed here?

2016年2月16日 星期二

"The best love songs of this millennium"--from CNN

Being a music lover, I used to teach my students many English songs. Surely, the title of this CNN news story caught my eye.

This webpage presents not only the 16 best love songs since 2000, each with a video and a brief description, but also the 15 most romantic singers of the 20th century, each with a photo and a short introduction. At the end of the article, readers are invited to vote for their favorite. Click on the song, and you can see the percentage of voters for each song.


The best love songs of this millennium

By Brandon Griggs, CNN

Updated 1659 GMT (0059 HKT) February 14, 2016

(CNN)What makes a great love song?

2016年2月15日 星期一

Moral Licensing--"洪蘭/道德執照:有運動,大口吃甜品?"--from UDN



2016-02-12 01:17 聯合報 洪蘭


2016年2月13日 星期六

Trip to Yehliu with the Lee Family

With my mom.

Time: 10:30am~3:15pm, Feb. 13, 2016

Place: Yehliu

Last year when I took a four-day trip in the States with my sister, on the tour bus, two ladies from mainland China who sat next to us told us the Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan did not quite attract them. Then I asked them to name their favorite scenic spot(s) in Taiwan. Not to my surprise, they answered, "Yehliu and Taroko Gorge."

Today George and I took my mom, my brother, and my niece to Yehliu.

2016年2月11日 星期四

Have Fun During the Chinese New Year Vacation_"舒國治/過年與過癮"--from UDN

Today is the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, or the fifth day of the Chinese New Year vacation. There are still four days to go before students go back to school and people from all walks of life get back to work next Monday. This UDN article offers good advice on how to spend the vacation. It can also be applied to students' summer and winter vacation.



2016-02-09 12:08 聯合報 名人堂/舒國治



2016年2月10日 星期三

A Short Stay at the Northeastern Coast

Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year. After paying a visit to my sister-in-law in the hospital at noon, George and I took my mom-in-law to the northeastern coast. I suggested going to Yehliu, but when we got near there, it was already around 4:30. Afraid we were too late to get in, we decided to just stayed at the coast for a while, watching the sea, before heading to a seafood restaurant.

All-English Class--"1周1全英語課 國際志工大家搶"--from UDN


1周1全英語課 國際志工大家搶

2016-02-06 14:10 聯合報 記者鄭惠仁/台南報導


My comments: When I taught at NHSH, I used to invite my American friend Konraad to each of my classes when they were in their second or third year. Students really enjoyed having conversation with a native speaker of English.

2016年2月8日 星期一

Great Soul, Heroic Deeds--"熬過921 70歲特搜嬤想救所有人"--from UDN

A touching true story.


熬過921 70歲特搜嬤想救所有人

2016-02-08 07:48 聯合報 記者鄭宏斌/台南報導




2016年2月6日 星期六

Taiwan earthquake_News Report by BBC & CNN

This morning, when checking my LINE messages after getting up, I was shocked by the news that a disastrous earthquake hit Taiwan around 3:57 this early morning. I was so deep in sleep that I didn't feel anything. Knowing many people in Tainan are suffering from the impact of the earthquake right before the Chinese New Year's Eve, I prayed for them and would like to help.


Taiwan earthquake: Rescuers in frantic search for missing

Rescuers are searching the rubble of a high-rise residential building in southern Taiwan after an earthquake that killed at least 14 people.

Some 30 people are still missing from the 17-storey block, one of several buildings that collapsed in Tainan city when the magnitude 6.4 quake struck.

2016年2月5日 星期五


The lady's name is Tze-hui Lee. We were strangers until I stopped to listen to her this morning. It was a coincidence that we both were wearing something green.

This morning, on my way to Nanmen Market to do food shopping, a lady came up to me and asked if I could spare three minutes for her. Since I'm not in a rush, I stopped. That choice led me to an understanding of what Greenpeace is doing for our environment. In fact, I knew at the first minute that Ms. Lee was going to convince me to help with some campaign. And I was convinced and agreed to donate money to Greenpeace every month because I agree with its cause.

2016年2月4日 星期四

Do Not Let the Cellphone Cell You--"別讓手機毀了春節"

In the title, I use the word "cell" as a verb, which means putting someone in a cell like a prisoner. Though this usage of the word cannot be found in the dictionary now, I believe one day it will be listed as an entry.



2016-02-04 01:22 聯合報 黃丙喜/台灣科技大學管研所教授(台北市)


My comments: What about putting your cellphone away for a whole day during the Chinese New Year and embracing nature?

2016年2月3日 星期三

The Road Taken--My Essay for TFG Online Publication

Late last year, my sister in San Jose invited me to write an essay for TFGHAA-NC, for which she is an editor. In a sense, she forced me to because she didn't give me a chance to decline her request.

In the essay, I recalled the six crossroads in my life and how I made the decisions. An idea coming from Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken.

2016年2月1日 星期一

Nice Gathering

Time: 12:30pm~2:40pm

Place: Waffogato (瓦法奇朵), Neihu, Taipei

Last Friday via LINE, Hao-tang, a student who graduated from NHSH in 2012, suggested a gathering. It seems to have become a ritual for us to meet every half a year. In fact, when proposing the get-together, he said today would be the only day during winter vacation when he was available. He asked if he could bring his girlfriend. Surely, I answered. I'm happy to meet my students' friends. This was the second time I saw his girlfriend.

At today's meet-up, each of them told me what they are planning to do in the coming year. Looking at their young face and listening to them talk about what courses they are going to take, I missed all those days when I went to school. What fun it is to learn!