2015年7月18日 星期六



A LINE message from Sarah (殷彩鳳老師), a good friend of mine:

"I think Annie could start watching ED TED and have a column about how to use it in high schools /June can join her for senior high too [USE Ed TED in high school English Class]"

As presented in a previous entry (http://june.ettachou.com/2015/06/08/annies-summaries-of-ted-talks/)   Annie has been watching TED and writing her reflection every day for a long time. So far she has written more than 500 articles and shared them in her blog and her FB group. Her purpose is to share the ideas, not how to use the TED talks in junior high school class.

I used TED talks in class during the last few years when teaching at NHSH, though not many. They are usually not related to a specific lesson, but quite often I chose those which are interesting and whose ideas I'd like to pass on to students. Besides, I used the talks to train students' ears for authentic spoken English.

Sarah, thank you for the suggestion. I'll check the site out and see if I can do something about some talks for high school students.



