2015年7月29日 星期三

Learning English in "Minions"--"跟著小小兵學英文!跟「迷你」沒關係,你知道英文片名minions是什麼意思嗎?"--from Business Weekly

On the day Meiying, Lichu, Meichen, Shuyuan, and I met for lunch around three weeks ago, Shuyuan suggested that we watch the movie if the typhoon was too big. It was a pity that we didn't go to see it.



撰文者周強     2015-07-27

《小小兵》(Minions)是今年暑假的動畫大片,此片因2010、2013 年的電影《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me)系列票房亮眼所推出的「外傳」。

英文片名Minions 取得很妙,minions讓人立刻聯想到與「小」有關的字根“mini",例如迷你裙miniskirt、最小值minimum。不過事實上,minion的原義與「小」無關,其字根也非mini,它是指只遵守主人命令的僕卒,讀作[ˋmɪnjən],可見取英文片名的作者刻意以minions的前四個字母讓人聯想到「小」。另有一說,minions是mignon(小巧玲瓏)一字的俏皮雙關語,而中文片名《小小兵》更是妙譯

My comments: minion: an unimportant person who has to do what a more powerful person tells them to do  (Macmillan English Dictionary). I still think the prefix "mini" meaning "little" makes sense here. Someone who is unimporant weighs little in others' minds."

BTY, a word primary stress rule:  The primary stress falls on the syllable right before "i + Vowel," just like "million," "billion," "union," "communion," etc. 


Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a supervillain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.

翻譯:Stuart、Kevin 還有Bob 這三個小小兵,被超級大壞蛋史嘉蕾(Scarlet Overkill)所招募;而史嘉蕾與她的發明家老公赫伯(Herb)策劃要控制這個世界。

光是這句簡短的storyline就可以讓我們學到好多英文。首先recruit是多益測驗的核心字彙,有動詞「招募」與名詞「雇員」之意。a supervillain who中,a supervillain是Scarlet的同位語,指的就是史嘉蕾,後面接著who是關係代名詞,修飾a supervillain。

hatch在此是「策劃」,但是它更常用在「孵、孵出」,例如有名的諺語Don't count your chickens before they hatch,意思是「小雞未孵出之前,先別數有幾隻小雞」,也就是「別太早下定論」。

My comments: I love the use of the word "hatch." Just think about the image of a hen sitting on its egg(s)!

hatch: If you hatch something such as a plan, you plan it, especially in secret. (Macmillan English Dictionary)

《小小兵》的全球首映會選在倫敦舉行,相當生動活潑,動畫中的人物以卡通造型出現,配上替本片配音的大明星珊卓‧ 布拉克登場,「首映會」的英文字彙是premiere,讀作[prɪˋmjɛr],常在外國媒體的電影相關報導中出現,值得一學。記者如此報導當天的首映會:

My comments: The rule mentioned above ('V + i + V) still applies here. The article writer uses American pronunciation. The word can also be pronounced as ['premieə (r)].

Minions love their supervillain Sandra Bullock almost as much as they love bananas. The actress and her loyal henchmen hit the yellow carpet at the Minions ' film premiere in London on Thursday. Bullock, 50, lends her voice to the movie as the evil Scarlett Overkill, who recruits a crew of mischievous minions to help her take over the world. The 50-year-old actress looked stunning at the premiere, wearing a silver dress that showed off her arms and legs.


小小兵們喜愛珊卓‧ 布拉克就如同它們喜愛香蕉一般,這位女星與她忠實的追隨者(指小小兵)週四在倫敦電影首映會上,踏上黃地毯。50 歲的珊卓‧布拉克把她的聲音借給了電影中邪惡的史嘉蕾,而史嘉蕾招募了一群頑皮的小小兵們來幫她控制這個世界。這位50 歲的女星在首映會上看起來美極了,穿了一件銀色的洋裝,展現了她的手臂與美腿。


Q: What is suggested about the film Minions?

(A) It was directed by Sandra Bullock. (B) Sandra Bullock played a famous role in the world. (C) It has received positive reviews from the critics. (D) It was performed for the first time in London.


本題的正確答案是(D)。題目中的suggest可不是「建議」,而是「暗示、言下之意」。在多益測驗中,意指「暗示、暗指」的字眼還有imply與infer。解題的關鍵字是premiere(首映),因為報導中提到hit the yellow carpet at the Minions' film premiere in London on Thursday,可見是在倫敦第一次上演。

選項(A) 錯在文中只提到珊卓‧ 布拉克是actress( 女演員), 並未提到由她導演(directed);選項(B)錯在文中只提到珊卓‧ 布拉克所扮演的Scarlett Overkill在劇中要接管這個世界(take over the world),並未提到珊卓本人在世界上的角色;選項(C)錯在報導中未提影評(review)之事。


Q: Their long-term clients are willing to pay a ______ for the excellent products and services.

(A) premiere  (B) premium (C) premier (D) premise


本題的正確答案是(B)。premium一字有「額外費用」之意,本題的題意是「他們的長期客戶願意為優良的產品與服務付出額外的費用。」,所以答案(B)為正解。選項(A)是本文提到的「首映、首演」;選項(C)是「首相、總理」或是形容詞「首要的」,讀作[ˋprimɪɚ];選項(D)是多益測驗的核心字彙,是「前提」,讀作[ˋprɛmɪs],但其複數型在國際職場與多益測驗中有個特殊的字義是「營業場所」,例如:The consulting firm moved to its new premises last week.(這家顧問公司上週搬至新址。)

這部電影不只是給小孩子看的,許多成人在看了預告片(retailer)之後說I may be 60 years old but I LOVE the Minions!(我差不多60 歲了,但是我愛死小小兵了!),還有人說I'm more excited than a child. Looking forward to it.(我比小孩子還興奮,期待這部電影。),可見《小小兵》的魅力連大人也無法擋。看完之後,快與我們分享你在電影中學到了哪些英文!

