2015年7月31日 星期五

Xin-xing Junior High Schoolmates Gathering

Time: 6pm, Friday, July 31, 2015

Place: Chin-hua Restaurant

"One day when we were young, one wonderful morning in May..."  We feel young at every gathering.

2015年7月30日 星期四

This morning, I paid a visit to a student's father in hospice care.

When I left, my student accompanied me to the parking lot, which is about ten minutes' walk away. He's been keeping his father company in the hospital since his father was hospitalized. A college senior after the summer vacation, he should be enjoying some merry times with his friends, but he'd rather stay by his father's side. That's the beauty of the family bond.


2015年7月29日 星期三

Learning English in "Minions"--"跟著小小兵學英文!跟「迷你」沒關係,你知道英文片名minions是什麼意思嗎?"--from Business Weekly

On the day Meiying, Lichu, Meichen, Shuyuan, and I met for lunch around three weeks ago, Shuyuan suggested that we watch the movie if the typhoon was too big. It was a pity that we didn't go to see it.



撰文者周強     2015-07-27

《小小兵》(Minions)是今年暑假的動畫大片,此片因2010、2013 年的電影《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me)系列票房亮眼所推出的「外傳」。

英文片名Minions 取得很妙,minions讓人立刻聯想到與「小」有關的字根“mini",例如迷你裙miniskirt、最小值minimum。不過事實上,minion的原義與「小」無關,其字根也非mini,它是指只遵守主人命令的僕卒,讀作[ˋmɪnjən],可見取英文片名的作者刻意以minions的前四個字母讓人聯想到「小」。另有一說,minions是mignon(小巧玲瓏)一字的俏皮雙關語,而中文片名《小小兵》更是妙譯

My comments: minion: an unimportant person who has to do what a more powerful person tells them to do  (Macmillan English Dictionary). I still think the prefix "mini" meaning "little" makes sense here. Someone who is unimporant weighs little in others' minds."

BTY, a word primary stress rule:  The primary stress falls on the syllable right before "i + Vowel," just like "million," "billion," "union," "communion," etc. 

2015年7月28日 星期二

A Gathering with My Chinjamu

A gathering with Chinjamu (親家母), a Chinese phrase meaning the mother of one's child's spouse. See the strokes of each character? That's why I said Chinese is more difficult than English.

Ms. Zou is the mother of Anna, my daughter-in-law.

Time: 11:30am

Place: Sufood

20 Hilarious Foreign Phrases English Needs To Borrow

A very interesting article I just bumped into online. What a wonderful world of languages! How little I know! You'd like to click the link and take a look at the funny photo for each foreign phrase.


20 Hilarious Foreign Phrases English Needs To Borrow

English is a very complex language, arguably one of the most hard to learn as a foreign language – and yet, with all of its complexities, it falls short in a lot of ways. Germanic in origin, English has all sorts of words that it borrows from all other languages, but some languages have a handful phrases that would be very helpful in creating much more concise communication. Here are just a few golden phrases the English phrase could benefit from.

My comments: In my opinion, Chinese is harder than English. You'll believe me if I tell you the character 木 is pronounced as "mu," meaning wood while the character 本 is pronounced similar to "bein," meaning origin.

2015年7月27日 星期一

Before Getting into College--"周行一/不要以分數決定你的未來"--from UDN

This is an article every high school graduates/college freshmen should read.



2015-07-26 02:46:31      聯合報 周行一(政治大學校長)



My comments: I chose to study at NTNU just to be a teacher.  A very simple criterion.

2015年7月26日 星期日

"40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without"--from CNN

Speaking of Taiwanese foods, everyone will have their thumbs up.  Every time my second sister, who lives in San Hose, is back in Taiwan, she is eager to taste the so-called "small eat." CNN did a special report on 40 Taiwanese foods. By going over it, you learn the English names of these foods. Click the link, and you can take a look at the pictures of 20 of the foods, with your mouth watering.


40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN

Updated 0306 GMT (1006 HKT) July 24, 2015

Taiwan (CNN)—Small eats, and a lot of them, are the big thing in Taiwan.

Recently voted by our readers as the best food destination in the world, the culinary philosophy here is eat often and eat well.

2015年7月25日 星期六

Long Time No See, Girls!

This afternoon, I had a gathering with Cloe, Jessie, and Ken, all of whom were in the Advanced English class in 2003-2004. Carol, who works for IBM, had planned to come, but was asked to work overtime on a short notice. Diego had a oral defense for his master's thesis on July 27, so he couldn't join us either.

Teach Kids to Love by Loving Them--"做他依靠 更做他榜樣"--from UDN


做他依靠 更做他榜樣

2015-07-23 01:51:52      聯合報


My comments: A person filled with love won't hurt others. In school, there should be a Love course, which parents are also invited to.

2015年7月24日 星期五

Teach Them How to Live--"教他讀書 更教他生活"--from UDN


教他讀書 更教他生活

2015-07-23 01:51:53      聯合報 李寶珍/國中教師(新北市)


My comments: In fact, life is a long journey. Step by step, everyone will get to their own destination.


My comments: The best way to learn a language is by using it. When students experience the power of language as a bridge, they will surely love to keep learning.

2015年7月23日 星期四

Junior High School Friends

Most of us didn't know each other when studying in the same school--Xin-xing Junior High (新興國中), but after 42 years, we met in a school reunion last year and became friends. Of course, for some who were friends then but had lost contact for years, the reunion rekindled their friendship. This is not a fantasy story. It happened in real life. Can I call it a "real-life fantasy"?

BTW, two in the photo are wives of our schoolmates.

2015年7月22日 星期三

A Date with Another Woman--"和另一女人約會"

This is a touching story shared by an old NHSH colleague. A tearjerker. I'd like to post it here in my blog so that I can often come back for a review and make it easier to retrieve when I need to share it with friends.




2015年7月21日 星期二

What If You Got a Flat Tire?--"爆胎慘劇後 快檢查你的車"--from UDN


爆胎慘劇後 快檢查你的車

2015-07-21 02:06:44      聯合報 華健/海洋大學輪機工程系副教授(基隆市)


2015年7月20日 星期一

On the Entrance Exam--"學測綁指考 學生的快樂天堂?"--from UDN


學測綁指考 學生的快樂天堂?

2015-07-20 01:04:31      聯合報 張慶瑞/台大物理學系教授

My comments: The author was a junior high schoolmate of mine.


My comments: As I said before, all depends on the purpose. Only when the purpose is clearly defined can the policy be proposed, drafted, finalized, and implemented.

2015年7月19日 星期日

However,...--"心境換了 幸福也來了"--from UDN


心境換了 幸福也來了

2015-07-19 01:40:0


2015年7月18日 星期六



A LINE message from Sarah (殷彩鳳老師), a good friend of mine:

"I think Annie could start watching ED TED and have a column about how to use it in high schools /June can join her for senior high too [USE Ed TED in high school English Class]"

2015年7月17日 星期五

"Creative Writing Now", Where You Can Get Story Ideas

To get story ideas for a test writing mission, I keyed in "story ideas" and discovered "Creative Writing Now." When you are out of story ideas, why not visit this site to get inspiration?


For example, on the following page of this website, you get 44 short story ideas, some in the form of "three elements," which have to be combined with one of the story ideas on the same page, some giving prompts.

2015年7月16日 星期四

Junior High School Reunion

Time: 12pm, Thursday, July 16, 2015

Place: Cafe Kitchen

Today, I attended a junior high school reunion, which I organized. 23 came. We chatted from 12pm to almost 5pm. This group is like honey, sticking together. Since we had our first reunion on April 19 last year, there have been numerous gatherings. Can you believe it? There is another on July 24 and still another on July 31!

2015年7月15日 星期三

When Students Are Drawan to the Front Row--"同學,你為何不坐第一排?過半台灣學生進大學,遇上集論文點數的老師,注定翹課瞌睡浪費青春"--from Business Weekly



撰文者蔡淇華             2015-07-15


My comments: When I was a college student, I loved to sit in the front row. This way, I felt I was closer to the knowledge center.

2015年7月14日 星期二

On Education Reform--"誰能馴教改怪獸 誰就贏2016"--from UDN


誰能馴教改怪獸 誰就贏2016

2015-07-14 01:28:10      聯合報 王伯元/創投業(台北市)


2015年7月13日 星期一

Get Out and Walk--"洪蘭/運動助學習 快走最有效"--from UDN


洪蘭/運動助學習 快走最有效

2015-07-13 01:28:33      聯合報 洪蘭


其實運動和學習不是二選一,它們是相輔相成的。實驗發現,當神經元需要同步活化來做一件事時,大腦會分泌神經生長因子(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor,BDNF)來幫助神經元的連接並使其固化(consolidate),下次再要時,活化會快。其實這就是學習,神經學上對學習的定義就是神經迴路的改變與強化。

2015年7月12日 星期日

Words from Bill Gates' Mother, Mary Maxwell Gates--"王文華/比爾蓋茲媽媽給台大學生的話"--from UDN



2015-07-11 01:54:31      聯合報 王文華(作家、「夢想學校」創辦人)





My comments: "From those to whom much is given, much is expected."


2015年7月11日 星期六

Yin-chen and Ching-jay's Wedding Banquet

This evening, I attended the wedding banquet of Yin-chen, a former student who graduated from NHSH in 2006, and Ching-jay. Several months ago, Yin-chen invited me to her wedding banquet via FB, and two months ago, she visited and gave me her wedding cake in person.

Yin-chen also invited six 313 classmates. It seemed we had a very small class reunion.

2015年7月10日 星期五

Taking a Trip to Europe with Diego via Photos

Today, Diego, a former student who graduated from NHSH in 2006, visited me and shared with me his trip around Europe via photos. He went to German this past February as an exchange student and within this half years he went throught 14 countries during the breaks, including Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czech, Vetican, and Luxembourg.

2015年7月9日 星期四


It's been a long time since we five last got together. That was why we stayed in the restaurant for almost hours. Friends expands my horizons. Different experiences, varied perspectives, and diverse opinions.

2015年7月8日 星期三

It Is Not That Hot!

This afternoon when I was working in my study, analyzing the English listening test on the 2015 CA and later writing items for a mock, I didn't have the air conditioner or even the fan on. Though sweat kept flooding down my face, I didn't find it unbearable at all. Focusing on what I was doing, I didn't pay much attention to the heat. In fact, my mind was peaceful.

2015年7月6日 星期一

"Cheerleading world mourns 'founder' Lawrence Herkimer"--from BBC

Everything has a founder. However, I've never wondered how cheerleading started until I came across this news story.


Cheerleading world mourns 'founder' Lawrence Herkimer

4 July 2015

Tributes have been paid to the founder of modern cheerleading who has died at the age of 89.

Lawrence Herkimer, known as "Herkie", built a successful business by setting up cheerleading camps and developing equipment - including the pom-pom.

2015年7月5日 星期日

How He Learned 20 Languages on His Own--"我是怎麼自學20種語言的?"

An article shared by Annie (詹麗馨老師).



作者:Timothy Doner/熊玠非編譯  2015-07-01                                        Web Only

紐約青少年杜納(Timothy Doner),靠著聽唱片和線上線下聊天和字典自學20種語言,被稱為最年輕的人肉翻譯機。媒體的閃光燈模糊了焦點,學習外語不是為了耍酷,而是讓不同文化的人交流,跨過文化的界限,找到不同文化中共同的特性和好的特質


2015年7月4日 星期六

Solo's Music

This morning I got an FB private message from Solo, a student I taught 14 years ago who is studying film scoring in the States. He sent me a link to an FB page to share with me his new scoring for a TV series Sunset.


For his talent to be "heard," I posted the link in messages to several LINE groups and friends.

2015年7月3日 星期五

Storybird--an English Learning Website

A reading/writing website recommended by I Simply Love to Share, an FB group started by Sarah Yin (殷彩鳳老師), a teacher friend who, though not teaching in a formal school, have inexhaustible passion for and a great commitment to teaching English.


At this site, one can not only read a variety of stories but also create their own stories.


2015年7月2日 星期四

"Everything I Own"--a Song

This is a good song to teach the idea of expressing love before it's too late and not taking things for granted, and grammatically, the relative clause. How I love this stanza:

Is there someone you know, /You're loving them so, /But taking them all for granted? /You may lose them one day. /Someone takes them away,/And they don't hear the words you long to say.

2015年7月1日 星期三

Test Writing

This evening I was writing a practice test for a publishing company. The test contains eight sections. Given five sample tests, including one from my friend Annie, I had to figure out myself what is tested in each part.