2011年1月29日 星期六

After the SAT--學測考後 備審資料準備


This photo was taken after the students finished the SAT yesterday.   Whether they did well or not, I suggested that they take a rest for a few days, doing what they have been eager to do but didn't have time to.  I also reminded them to spend time with their family during the Chinese New Year. 

2011年1月28日 星期五

2011年1月25日 星期二

Free Online English Learning Resources

I came across wonderful information about free online English learning resources in the United Evening News dated Jan. 9, 2011. It is a pity that I couldn't find it on the Net. So I decided to type and put it on my blog:

2011年1月21日 星期五

Happy Reunions with My Former Students

The following are some photos taken during the visits paid by my former students since the end of 2010.

316 students

Former 316, their homeroom teacher Ms. Hsieh, and me 2011/01/19

2011年1月20日 星期四

Checklist for 100 SAT

The following is a checklist of things students have to bring with them on the days of SAT, plus some reminders and test-taking tips, which I handed out to students this morning.

Checklist for 100 SAT.doc

2011年1月18日 星期二

SAT Reminders--100學年度學科能力測驗考前注意事項

All the SAT test takers should read the following reminders very carefully to avoid "accidental" loss of points.



【第二處 林棟柱】

2011年1月11日 星期二

Prayer for All the NHSH Seniors

changhua 20110111

Today we homeroom teachers of the seniors at NHSH, along with the principal, the dean of academic affairs, the principal's secretary, and some parents, went to Changhua to pray for our students at the Lugang Tienho Temple. We prayed that our students will perform their best on the SAT.

SAT Preparation Tips--English-2


英文/熟背單字 練習考古題


SAT Preparation Tips--Physics


物理/抓牢高一物理 掌握試題半邊天
