2008年3月5日 星期三

To Shih-huai: 如何準備全民英檢中高級口說與寫作

Dear Shih-huai,

To get prepared for the oral test of the GEPT, you can use the technique of "shadowing," which you must have heard about in a speech held at NHSH about two years ago. When you listen to Studio Classroom or any other English learning program, just repeat what the teacher says while listening. So what you say is just like a shadow of the teacher's words. This is how I practiced speaking several years ago.

Besides, you can talk to yourself in English while you are waiting for the bus or on the bus, describing what you see. You can also translate into English what you overhear on any occasion.

As for writing, the best way is to start keeping a diary in English. At first, don't worry about if the grammar is correct. Just keep writing, using English to express your ideas or record what happens on a particular day.

