2014年3月9日 星期日

Nice Encounter in Kaohsiung

Today, I went to Kaohsiung to share with 150 teachers there some ideas about teaching English listening. I was told beforehand that teachers in Kaohsiung were shy and not active in answering questions. However, to my surprise, today's audience was supportive. Quite a few of them paricipated in discussion actively.

Since the talk was on listening, I had them listen to many fragments of speech by different people. To stir the audience, I challenged them with a lot of questions. Besides, I gave those who spoke cookies or chocolate as a "prize." And I walked among them to invite some to answer my questions.

I love the feeling of interaction.

I'd like to thank Annie (詹麗馨老師) for providing precious information for the ppt, Sharon (殷彩鳳老師) for giving us advice on presentation skills and suggesting not showing everything on the handouts to retain the audience's curiosity, Wei-chou (林威州先生)and John for giving me assistance after I arrived in Kaohsiung, a kind lady teacher who handed me a warm bottle of coffee after the activity, and all the lovely audience. Thank you!!

