2008年5月9日 星期五

Students' common mistakes

The following are the questions for the translation part of the 3rd mock exam:

1. 因為現代人往往過著快步調的生活,所以時間的觀念再怎麼強調也不為過。

2. 換句話說,我們最好要善用時間並且養成守時的習慣。



The key:

1. Because modern people tend to / live a fast-paced life, / the concept of time / can't be overemphasized (can't be emphasized too much).

2. In other words, / we had better make good use of our time / and get into (form/acquire/develop/build up/cultivate) the habit of / being on time (punctuality).

Students' common mistakes:

1. Because..., so...

Reminder: 兩個子句之間只需要一個連接詞,有because就不要 有so;有so就不要because。 同樣道理,Although S V..., S V. 或 S V..., but...。

2. modern拼錯。

Reminder: 發音對了就不會拼錯。

3. live in a fast-paced life

Reminder: live a ...life或lead a ...life是片語。例如:He lives a happy life. Everyone wants to live a healthy life.

4. a fast-pace life --> a fast-paced life

Reminder: fast-paced當作生詞背。

5. it can't be oeveremphasized the concept of time--> the concept of time can't be overemphazied

Reminder: it這個虛主詞代替同句中出現在其後的不定詞片語或名詞子句,並不能代替同句中之後出現的名詞;虛受詞 it 也同樣用法。例:

(1) The telephone makes our communication possible.

(2) The telephone makes possible the commnuication between people living far apart. (受詞太長或需要強調,直接移後)

(3) The telephone makes it possible (for us) to communicate with people living far away from us. (真受詞為不定詞片語放句尾,makes後用 虛受詞 it 補位。

6. the concept of time can't be too emphasized --> ...can't be overemphasized

Reminder: too這個副詞只能修飾形容詞或副詞,不能修飾動詞。例如:The soup is too hot. Time flies too fast. 但是 He loves meat too much. 卻不能說成 He too loves meat. (Isn't this a good example of Chinglish?)

7. In other word --> In other words

Reminder: other 單獨修飾名詞時,名詞應用複數;例如:

Some students study in the library; other students prefer to study at home.

事實上,in other words是個片語,發音正確了,就不會漏了-s。說在學英文的過程中真的很重要。

8. we had better to make... --> we had better make...

Reminder: had better是助動詞,後接原形動詞。 唱唱歌吧!You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. 歌詞中 You better是 You'd better的簡化。但重點是其後用原形動詞。

9. form a habit of being on time --> form the habit of being on time

Reminder: 守時的習慣限定了該習慣,應用定冠詞 the。

10. 守時翻成 obey time也太離譜了吧!to be on time不是常用的詞語嗎?多說自然不會忘。





